Friday, November 30, 2018

President Trump Explains New North American Trade Deal

What Trump says he's going to do, he does.

RELATED: NAFTA 2.0 is signed — but it’s far from finished

GOP Forced To Cancel Committee Vote To Advance Judicial Nominees Due To Jeff Flake’s Blockade Over Mueller Bill

As frustrated as Trump's rightfully been about the Mueller probe, there's no way he's ever firing Mueller because the blowback would be heavy, enough to seriously dent his chances at getting re-elected and Flake knows this. Flake's just being a prick about a bill that would have zero chance of passing because he hates Trump and wants to stick it to him before he leaves the Senate and moves on to his lame MSNBC or CNN pundit gig.

RELATED: GOP Forced To Cancel Committee Vote To Advance Judicial Nominees Due To Flake’s Blockade Over Mueller Bill

Michael Cohen's Bombshell Plea Deal

Funny watching desperate liberals now putting their money on a guy who lied to the Feds, all in the name of getting rid of Trump.

RELATED: Breaking: Former Trump Attorney Pleads Out In Deal — With Mueller; Update: Trump Calls Cohen A “Weak Person,” “Lying”; Update: Video Added

CNN Fires Marc Lamont Hill Over Anti-Israel Remarks

Of course, there's free speech issues here concerning Hill's remarks and the fact that he's a Black liberal who snugly fit in with CNN's 24/7 Anti-Trumpiness. But after what CNN did to Jeffrey Lord last year, let's just say that payback is a bitch.

RELATED: CNN commentator calls for elimination of Israel, endorses violent Palestinian ‘resistance’

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Porn Star Stormy Daniels Claims Michael Avenatti Sued President Trump Without Her Permission

Is it safe to say yet that Michael Avenatti will never be President?

RELATED: ‘If True, Highly Unethical’: Michael Avenatti May Have Another Big Problem on His Hands

Power Company PG&E Sued Over California Wildfires

RELATED: Would legislation have prevented California wildfires?

President Trump Says Pardon for Paul Manafort Still a Possibility

RELATED: The stunning implications of the Manafort-Trump pipeline

Liberal Media Was CRICKETS When Barack Obama Used Tear Gas at Southern Border

It's always the same with the msm. When Trump does something, it's wrong. When Obama does the same thing or something similar, it was great.

RELATED: Fox's Hume questions outrage: 'Obama administration regularly used tear gas to repel migrants'

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

After Campaigning On Promise To Oppose Nancy Pelosi, Dem Rep-Elect Jahana Hayes Now Admits She Will Be Voting For Her

Gee, she changed her mind quick. But it's good to see yet another Black liberal fall in line and genuflect to her old, white massah's (i.e. Nancy and Chuck) on the Left.

RELATED: Anti-Pelosi Rebels: We’re The Gang That Couldn’t Coup Straight

Liberal Media Lies on Trump and the Caravan

The msm has a narrative to fill and if you don't believe them...well, you must be a bigot.

RELATED: MSNBC: The Majority Of People Who Make Up The Migrant Caravan Are Men

Jesse Kelly Speaks Out on Twitter Ban, Warns Tucker Carlson: ‘They’ll Come For You Too’

Shouldn't Congress be doing something about Twitter taking down conservative voices, but leaving the likes of Louis Farrakhan and Kathy Griffith up on their platform?

RELATED: Conservative pundit Jesse Kelly's Twitter ban sparks outrage: 'New low'

Clinton Foundation Donations Fall After Hillary’s Loss

RELATED: Scam Exposed: Donations To Clinton Foundation Plummeted After Clinton Lost The Election

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Ain't The Devil Happy: In The News - Week of 11/25/18

Judge Shoots Down George Papadopoulos’ Last-Minute Effort to Push Off Sentence, Complains He Waited Until ‘Eleventh Hour’

Schumer Is Really, Really Close To Destroying a Trump Judicial Nominee

Don't Tell Anyone, But We Just Had Two Years Of Record-Breaking Global Cooling

Trump Tweets Asylum Seekers Won't Cross Border, But Mexico Denies Deal

Hillary Says Press Is Dominated by Trump, Attacks Fox as 'Divorced from Reality'

What Riots? ABC Ignores Paris Burning Amid Protests Against Gas Tax Hike

Asia Bibi and the First Freedom

How Anti-Semitism Is Threatening To Unravel The Women’s March

How Public Schools Indoctrinate Kids Without Almost Anyone Noticing

Forget Khashoggi, Where Were Our Elites When Obama Assassinated American Citizens?

Good Grief: Snowflakes Melt Over a 'Charlie Brown Thanksgiving' Episode They Believe Is 'Racist'

Lawmaker proposes social media background check for gun buyers

Trump: Hyde-Smith an ‘outstanding person’

Monica Lewinsky: Person of the Week

Claim to Fame: former White House intern that then-President Bill Clinton admitted to having had what he called an "inappropriate relationship" with while she worked at the White House in 1995–1996.

Why She's the Person of the Week: for coming out and speaking her truth on the affair she had as a young intern who was taken advantage of by former President Bill Clinton. Lewinsky, now an activist and fashion designer , opened up about her affair with President Clinton during a five part series on A&E entitled, "The Clinton Affairs."

In the final episode, Lewinsky admitted Clinton wanted her to lie about their relationship under oath if she was called to testify in the Paula Jones case, the woman whose sexual harassment case against Clinton sparked the broader investigation into Clinton’s affairs (which Slick Willie has denied).

In the series Lewinsky also talks about weathering public shame, feminism, judgment from the media, placing her experience in the context of the #Metoo movement, and her anti-bullying campaign that involved celebrities briefly changing their Twitter display names to the public slander that had hurt them the most (Monica changed hers to “Monica Chunky Slut Stalker That Woman Lewinsky”).

And in revisiting the 1998 sex scandal that nearly unraveled Clinton's presidency, Lewinsky hopes that she can retire the term "Lewinsky scandal" once and for all.

"I think 20 years is enough time to carry that mantle," the former White House intern, now 45, writes in a new Vanity Fair essay published Tuesday.

"The Faith that Amazed Jesus" - Luke 7:1-10 (10.6.13) - Pastor Jordan Rogers

My Testimony: From Depression to Jesus

In this video, I share my testimony: how Jesus has changed my life. I used to be depressed, worried, and anxious. I used to fear what people think of me. I have isolated myself to search for the meanings of life. I was lost until Jesus had found me. 
"My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." -Galatians 2:20

Tijuana Declares Humanitarian Crisis Amid Caravan Arrival

RELATED: Mexico agrees to Trump policy forcing migrants to wait in Mexico as asylum requests processed: report

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Ain't The Devil Happy: In The News - Week of 11/18/18

On Criminal Justice, Trump Embraces the Left’s Racism Rhetoric

The Wrong Time to Cut Defense Spending

CBS' White House Correspondent: There's a Level of Decorum Expected of White House Press Pool

Liberals Say Gillum Lost Florida Election Due to Racism, Forget Obama Won the State Twice

How Misguided Environmentalism Is To Blame For California’s Wildfires

School Punishes Male Teacher For Refusing To Watch A Naked Girl In The Boys’ Locker Room

Abrams Concludes Bid for Georgia Governor

Tijuana Mayor On Arriving Migrant Caravan: ‘It’s A Tsunami’

Why the Senate Shouldn’t Grandstand on Mueller

Sleazy: CNN, NY Times Headlines Punish Mark Meadows on Harassment, Downplay Democrat

CNN: All Pro-Trump White Women Are 'Racist,' Benefit from 'White Supremacy'

Trump Backs Pelosi's Speaker Bid: 'She Deserves This'

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Ain't The Devil Happy: In The News - Week of 11/11/18

The Welfare Generation: 51.7% Kids in 2017 Lived in Households Getting Govt Assistance

Debt ceiling will be set to record high of $22 trillion, fund government to just summer

Trump Praises American, French Soldiers From WWI in Ceremony

Dem Leaders Call for Whitaker's Recusal From Mueller Oversight

CNN’s Stelter Claims Media ‘Underplayed’ the Size of the ‘Blue Wave’

In Palm Beach County, Democrats Argue To Count Votes Cast By Non-Citizens

In Midterms, Democrats’ College Indoctrination Campaign Bore Fruit

CNN, Jim Acosta Prepare to Sue the White House Over That Pesky Press Pass Being Revoked

Antifa Protestor Who Helped Storm Tucker Carlson's House Provides Details In New OpEd

How the GOP Gave Up on Porn

The Biggest Winner: Senator Mitch McConnell

Whitaker May Be a Bad Choice, but He’s a Legal One

Congressman Dan Crenshaw: Person of the Week

Claim to Fame: former Navy SEAL and newly elected Republican representative of Texas

Why He's the Person of the Week: for displaying forgiveness as well as tremendous class by continuing to take the high road a week after "Saturday Night Live" comedian Pete Davidson was rightly criticized for mocking Crenshaw's eye-patch last week on SNL during a 'Weekend Update' segment.

Crenshaw, a former Navy Seal, was severely wounded during his third tour of duty in Afghanistan. Davidson’s comments were widely condemned and politicians from both sides of the aisle called on the comedian to apologize. So on this week’s episode of SNL, Davidson did just that — with Crenshaw sitting by his side:
In a surprise cameo, Crenshaw appeared alongside Davidson to take a few humorous potshots of his own and then, more earnestly, to try to find some common ground. 
During a segment last week about 2018 political candidates, Davidson spoke in front of a picture of Crenshaw, a Texas Republican who wears an eye patch because of an injury he sustained from an I.E.D. explosion in Afghanistan. “You may be surprised to hear he’s a congressional candidate from Texas and not a hit man in a porno movie,” Davidson said. “I’m sorry, I know he lost his eye in war or whatever.” 
Davidson’s remarks were denounced by elected officials and political organizations like the National Republican Congressional Committee, which called for an apology. In an interview on NBC’s “Today” show, Davidson’s castmate Kenan Thompson said the joke “missed the mark.” For his part, Crenshaw said in his victory speech on Tuesday that Americans “are not a people that shatter at the first sign of offense.” 
In this week’s episode, which was hosted by Liev Schreiber and featured the musical guest Lil Wayne, Davidson returned to the “Weekend Update” desk. Referencing the controversial joke, he began by saying: “In what I’m sure was a huge shock for people who know me, I made a poor choice last week.” 
He added: “I mean this from the bottom of my heart. It was a poor choice of words. The man is a war hero, and he deserves all the respect in the world. And if any good came of this, maybe it was that for one day, the left and the right finally came together to agree on something. That I’m a [expletive].” 
Crenshaw then took a seat next to Davidson and said, “You think?” 
Davidson told him, “Thank you so much for coming.” 
“Thanks for making a Republican look good,” Crenshaw replied. 
Davidson told Crenshaw he was sorry, and Crenshaw accepted, but then suddenly Crenshaw’s cellphone rang: His ringtone was “Breathin’,” a song by the pop star Ariana Grande, who just last month became Davidson’s ex-fiancée. Davidson took the joke in stride as Crenshaw asked him, “Do you know her?”

President Trump says Florida Officials ‘Finding Votes Out of Nowhere’

RELATED: The status of the Arizona, Florida and Georgia vote counts

The Left Lashes Out at the President's AG Pick Matt Whitaker

RELATED: Who is Matthew Whitaker? Hawkeye football star and federal prosecutor becomes acting attorney general

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Brenda Snipes, Bill Nelson and Andrew Gillum: Liberal Scumbags of the Week

Claim to Fame: Broward County, FL Elections Supervisor (Snipes), Florida Democrat Senator (Nelson) and Florida Democrat candidate for Governor (Gillum)

Why They're the Liberal Scumbags of the Week: for colluding to overturn the election results of this past week's midterms and give the Democrat party wins in the Senate and the Governor's seat by refusing to divulge how many ballots have been counted, demanding recounts after already conceding and even attempting to get non-citizens counted during machine recounts that have now been ordered:
Florida's secretary of state ordered a recount Saturday afternoon for three statewide races, including the governor and U.S. Senate contests. 
The margins in all races remain well under the half-percent needed to automatically trigger a machine recount. More than 8 million votes will be recounted. 
In the race for governor, Republican Ron DeSantis led Democrat Andrew Gillum by fewer than 34,000 votes or a margin of .409 percent, with all counties reporting as of 12:35 p.m. Saturday, according to the Florida Division of Elections. 
Gillum conceded on Tuesday night, though the race has since tightened. On Saturday, Gillum reversed his concession amid the recount. 
"I am replacing my words of concession with an uncompromised and unapologetic call that we count every single vote," Gillum said. 
In the Senate race, the Republican challenger, Gov. Rick Scott, claimed victory just before midnight Tuesday, but the incumbent, Democrat Bill Nelson, never conceded the race. Now, Scott leads Nelson by 12,562 votes or a margin of .15 percent.
So now, 3 essential races in Florida won't be decided until Thursday at the earliest. And with the historically corrupt Snipes and a biased media in the mix, there's a lot of room for panic if you're a Republican. In other words, Democrat values: win at any cost.

Fox News Issues Statement After Mob Targets Tucker Carlson's Home

RELATED: Antifa expands its hit list as political violence escalates

Chris Wallace: Jim Acosta 'Embarrassed Himself,' is a Showboat

RELATED: Jim Acosta is No Martyr, He Deserved To Lose His Press Credentials

President Trump Signs Proclamation to Restrict Asylum Claims

RELATED: Trump limits asylum from Mexico border, caravans head north

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Ted Cruz Upset the Entire Biased, Liberal Media Industry

If only John James got a 10th of the attention from the msm that Beto O'Rourke did.

RELATED; 2018: Normalcy’s Revenge

How President Trump Regained Control of the Mueller Probe

RELATED; Interim Attorney General Matthew Whitaker argued Hillary Clinton should have been indicted

President Trump to Jim Acosta, "You Are a Rude, Terrible Person"

First, watch Acosta, he wasn't trying to ask a question, he wanted to lecture Trump, which is what liberal activists pretending to be objective journalists "just doing their job" do. Then after a back-n-forth with Trump, Acosta makes it about himself (and his Trump-obsessed network) by asking about the Russia probe, yunno, because that's whats on everyone's mind a day after the midterms.

RELATED: CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Monday, November 5, 2018

Tucker Carlson: Democrats Running on Hatred of Whites

RELATED: Fox News Pulls Trump Caravan Ad Decried as Racist

SNL's Pete Davidson Mocks Navy SEAL With Eye Patch Running For Congress

When even the working arm for the Democrat party that is CNN is shredding you, then you know you have a problem.

RELATED: Dan Crenshaw Won’t Demand Apology from SNL’s Pete Davidson: ‘We Don’t Need to be Outwardly Outraged’

Jon Stewart Quote of the Day!

"I think that journalists have taken [criticism from the president] personally. They are personally wounded and offended by this man. He baits them. "What he's done well, I thought, is appeal to their own narcissism. They take it personally and now he's changed the conversation to not that his policies are silly or not working or any of those other things, it's all about the fight."

- comedian and former TV host Jon Stewart no how President Trump triggers the media's narcissism

"Nobody Needs To Know" Beto O'Rourke Campaign Appears to Illegally Spend Funds on Supplies for Caravan Aliens

RELATED: Early voting is surging in Texas. That might be good news for Beto O’Rourke.