Saturday, October 31, 2015

Hollyweird Actor Johnny Depp Is 'Proud' of 16-Year-Old Daughter For Coming Out As 'Sexually Fluid'
Lily Rose Depp revealed her sexuality by featuring in a new LGBT charity campaign.

The model and daughter of Johnny Depp has made a subtle statement about her sexuality – by taking part in a quirky new campaign aimed at promoting society’s inclusiveness and acceptance of LGBT people in America.

Photographer iO Tillet Wright – who is behind the ‘Self Evident’ campaign – shared a picture on social media with Miss Depp, praising her decision to come out in order to help spread the campaign’s ‘We Are You’ message.

“I’m so proud of my baby girl @lilyrose_depp,” the artist commented. “She decided she wanted to be in @selfevidentproject because she falls somewhere on the vast spectrum, and I couldn’t be happier to welcome her to the family. 

“She’s a tiny gem of a good human. #prouduncle #weareyou.”

It is still unclear where on the spectrum Depp falls, but fellow activists have welcomed her decision to use her personal experience to help others deal with their sexuality.

A number of other celebrities have leant their voice to the campaign including Sia, Kylie Minogue and Transparent star Gaby Hoffman.
Used to be a time when parents were 'proud' of their kids taking their first steps or bringing home a good report card or learning how to drive, etc. But thanks in part to Godless, Hollyweird liberals like Depp (who's married to an openly bisexual woman), the usual mantra required to be 'proud' of your kid has certainly gone....wayward, to say the least. And of course, a young, pubescent 16-year-old certainly knows herself enough to 'self-identify', right?

RELATED: VIDEO: Meet Devina Keswani, The First Grader Transitioning From Male to Female

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Ted Cruz Pwnes Liberal CNBC Moderators @ GOP Debate
Attendees at Wednesday night’s CNBC debate likely emerged hoarse into the Boulder, Colo., evening, thanks to Sen. Ted Cruz. With a major-league windup, the tea party candidate threw a beanball right at one of the country’s least popular professions: CNBC’s questions, charged Cruz, “illustrate why the American people don’t trust the media … Donald Trump, are you a comic book villain? Ben Carson, can you do math? John Kasich, will you insult two people over here? Marco Rubio, why don’t you resign? Jeb Bush, why have your numbers fallen? How about talking about the substantive issues people care about?”

With the NBC peacock behind him, Cruz basked in the resulting roar. Pollster Frank Luntz tweeted, “Ted Cruz’s focus group dials hits 98 with his attack on media bias. That’s the highest score we’ve ever measured. EVER.”

Like most media attacks, this one was imprecise, bombastic and un-fact-checkable, which is precisely why quibbling about coverage is such a campaign mainstay. CNBC’s question to Carson, for instance, concerned the feasibility of his tax plan, a classic important issue. And the problem facing Sen. Marco Rubio is something that every grade schooler can appreciate — attendance.
RELATED: Why Did The CNBC Republican Debate Unite America In Hate?

Media Coverage of High School Football Deaths is Sensationalism at Its Worst
If you’ve been following the news over the past few months, no doubt you’ve heard about the recent spate of high school football players killed playing the sport. What was once considered a local tragedy has become a national story as outlets have begun counting each death and weaving a narrative: high school football, once considered a harmless past-time, is claiming more and more lives.

The seventh and most recent death was covered by CNN, CBS, USA Today, NBC, ESPN, Fox News, Sports Illustrated, New York Times, Washington Times, and Yahoo News. Previous deaths were also covered by People, ABC, The Guardian, Reuters, MSNBC, The Washington Post… it’s harder to find a national outlet that hasn’t covered the story. And schools are listening: CBS reports that in the wake of mounting casualties, some schools are closing their football programs all together.

You know it must be scary, because CNN even got its graphics team to animate two CGI football players tackling each other (“Is high school football worth the risk?” the segment asked).

All of which is baffling, given that the frequency of high school football deaths hasn’t increased at all, and death rates remain extremely low.

In the past two decades, there were 282 deaths as a result of high school football, or 14.1 annually. This year there’s been seven, about halfway through the season. In short, the rate of football deaths has remained completely constant.

The chances of dying during a high school football game have also always been absurdly low. 1.1 million high schoolers play the sport every year, so even if the rate of death doubled overnight, they’d have about a 0.00001% of dying before the season is out. In fact, high school football isn’t even the deadliest high school sport; it’s less dangerous than water polo, softball, and field hockey, and roughly as dangerous as lacrosse.

What then justifies all the sudden media attention? It should go without saying that every sporting death is a tragedy, especially when the victims are so young. But hundreds of high schoolers die every day of equally tragic causes and fail to make front pages and television screens across the nation. Why should football be singled out?

The simple answer is because right now at the highest level of the sport, there is a massive scandal surrounding the National Football League’s handling of concussions. In a recent study, a whopping 96% of former NFL players’ brains were found to have suffered permanent damage. The league was forced to pay $1 billion in settlements to players who allege they covered up the risks of repeated concussions.
RELATED:  High school football needs to gear up after deaths

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

MSNBC’s Melissa Harris Perry: Don’t Say ‘Hard Worker,’ Because It’s Offensive to Slaves
MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry took offense to a guest’s use of the term ‘hard worker’ Saturday, arguing that it diminished the experiences of slaves.

“If there’s somebody who is a hard worker when he goes to Washington, it’s Paul Ryan,” argued conservative guest Alfonso Aguilar. Harris-Perry didn’t disagree but wasn’t a fan of his word choice.

“I just want to pause on one thing, because I don’t disagree with you that I actually think Mr Ryan is a great choice for this role,” she said. “But I want us to be super careful when we use the language ‘hard worker.’ Because I actually keep an image of folks working in cotton fields on my office wall, because it is a reminder about what hard work looks like.”

Harris Perry told Aguilar (who at this point looked hopelessly baffled) that “in the context of relative privilege, I just want to point out, that when you talk about work-life balance and being a hard worker, the moms who don’t have health care who are working, we don’t call them hard workers. We call them failures, people who are sucking off the system.”

“Really, y’all do!” she continued as Aguilar shook his head. “That’s really what you do!”
What a stupid, stupid woman.

RELATED:  Turns Out Melissa Harris-Perry Uses the Term ‘Hard Work’ All the Time

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Bad News From Those Good Unemployment Numbers: 100 Million Americans Over the Age of 16 That Are Not Working
Wow, did you see the new jobs numbers? Unemployment is down to 5.1%. In the current definition of full employment (during the 1960’s it was a 4% unemployment rate) we are getting near that point. In fact, the unemployment rate is now lower than it was anytime during the Reagan presidency. We have had 67 consecutive months of job growth. The unemployment rate has dropped almost 5% from the high point of the Obama administration in October 2009. With all this good news why are things so bad?

You may have heard something about a controversy regarding the unemployment numbers. There is focus on such matters as underemployment which for example having someone with a college degree waiting tables or bartending for lack of any quality opportunities for a person with their educational qualifications. Or you may have heard about the many people working part-time jobs due to lack of full-time opportunities or employers attempting to circumvent the rules established by Obamacare which states that a full-time employee reaches that status at 30 hours per week.

What we really need to spotlight is the crushing economic effect of a lower labor participation rate (LPR). There are now 100 million Americans over the age of 16 that are not working. The Obama Administration keeps running out the deceit that this is because of all the baby boomers retiring. The fact is that the labor force participation rate for the age group 16 to 24 is only 55.1%. That is a reduction of over 10% from 66% during the 1990’s. It is also down over 5% (60.8%) from 2005. Sure myopic minimum wage increases are harming the employment of this age group with the least work experience, but that is not the total explanation.

The Obama manipulation gets worse because the LPR is lower for the prime working years of 25-54 years old. In 2000 the LPR for this age group was almost 85%. It was down to 83% when the recession started, but has now plummeted to 80.7%. It is clear the baby boomers are not the only source of reduction in the LPR.

You may wonder why this is such a big deal. The LPR for September 2015 was 62.4%. That is 3.7% less than August, 2005 exactly ten years earlier. One can argue this reduction in rate has to do with the “Great Recession.” Not true. If you review the Dept. of Labor statistics you see virtually unstopped monthly decline in the LPR during the entire Obama Presidency. From the point that the recession was pronounced over the LPR has steadily declined by 3.3%.
RELATED:  Obama Economy: Black Unemployment for Teens 6Xs National Unemployment Rate

Monday, October 26, 2015

Ann Coulter Stuns Raven Symone Into Silence With ‘Watermelondrea’ Reminder
Ann Coulter appeared on today’s episode of The View, where she came under heavy fire for her continuing love for Donald Trump and her own railing against immigration.

The segment began with Coulter talking about her book Adios America, where she said that by and large, illegal immigrants are from “backwards cultures” and are coming in to leech off of American generosity.

Ana Navarro reminded Coulter that neither she nor fellow host and immigrant Padma Lakshmi did any such thing, and grilled Coulter on how she can use her rhetoric without being of Native American descent.

After Coulter’s counter-argument, Raven Symone followed-up by asking about how she can talk about such a vital issue with her inflammatory language.

“Why do you think that’s important to mud-sling and have these words that obviously touches the hearts and souls of so many people in America?,” Symone asked.

“I’m at least talking about policy, you have a position on what people’s names should be. Watermelondrea,” Coulter shot back. “I’m talking about a government policy that affects all Americans and immigrants and the people living here, and is harming our country.”

Coulter’s remark was a reference to Symone’s recent controversy after saying she would not hire anyone who had a “ghetto”-sounding name. While Symone has since apologized for her remark, Coulter’s retort stunned her into silence as the discussion continued.
Honestly, Ann Coulter versus teh weak-minded raven Symone wasn't a fair fight to begin with.

RELATED:  Ann Coulter: Paul Ryan All Talk, No Action on Helping Poor

Paul Ryan Taps GOP Power Broker David Hoppe for Top Job
Less than a year ago, after Republicans rolled up big majorities in the 2014 congressional elections, their leaders set out to show the nation that conservatives were up to the challenge of governing.

"The logjam in Washington has been broken," House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) declared. "We will make it our job to prove the skeptics wrong."

So far, alas, the skeptics have been right. The GOP's big majority in the House became a curse, not a blessing; little of the legislation that Boehner and McConnell sought has passed. Instead, the GOP's zealously conservative Freedom Caucus pushed Boehner out of office and blocked the rise of his chosen successor, Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfield).

"We are not solving the country's problems; we are only adding to them," Rep. Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) acknowledged last week as he announced his decision to seek the speaker's chair.

By all accounts, Ryan is likely to win the job easily. Last week, he won support from all three wings of the House's factionalized Republicans. That will give him a chance to start over.

"We can show the country what a common-sense conservative agenda looks like," he told his colleagues.
Still, Ryan faces the same challenge that brought down Boehner and McCarthy: the Freedom Caucus, which not only spurns bipartisan compromises but has made its first goal to purge the GOP of its moderates.

And, amazingly, some Freedom Caucus members consider Ryan, a thoroughgoing conservative by any traditional definition, to be dangerously moderate too. Never mind that Mitt Romney chose Ryan as his running mate in 2012 because the congressman had championed bills to slash domestic spending and turn Medicare into a voucher plan. Ultras in the Freedom Caucus distrust Ryan because, as chairman of the House's tax-writing committee, he made a bipartisan budget deal to keep the government running in 2013. (Any deal had to be bipartisan because the Democrats had a majority in the Senate that year.)

Others worry because he long supported bipartisan efforts for comprehensive immigration reform, even though he's abandoned that goal in the face of grass-roots opposition.

One even derided Ryan for wanting to preserve time to spend with his young family. "It's like interviewing a maid for a job and she says, 'I don't clean windows,'" Rep. Matt Salmon (R-Ariz.), told the Hill.

Remarkably, Ryan met these truculent revolutionaries halfway, even though he was already the choice of most House Republicans. The Freedom Caucus demanded changes in House rules to reduce the speaker's power; Ryan agreed that the GOP conference should consider their ideas. The caucus asked him to promise that he would never allow a floor vote on any measure unless a majority of Republicans supported it (the "Hastert Rule"); Ryan agreed.
If the GOP can't get behind Ryan it'll be just another win for the anti-God Left.

RELATED:  Paul Ryan taps GOP power broker David Hoppe for top job

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Glamour Magazine Names Man with Penis 'Women of the Year'
To prove either that they have reached the pinnacle of patriarchal leftism, or that they are making the biggest joke in the history of mankind (on us), Glamour magazine has named Caitlin nee Bruce Jenner “Woman of the Year.” To celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of this award, Reese Witherspoon will accompany him on the December cover.
This is not only absurd, but patriarchal posturing at its finest; not to mention an insult to real women everywhere.

It was all fun and games—except when it wasn’t—when Jenner announced he was going to begin playacting a woman for the foreseeable future. As if that wasn’t enough, the transgender lobby prodded their ideal posterboy further Left. Next, ESPN awarded him with its Arthur Ashe Courage Award, and he secured his own reality show, “I Am Cait.”

Enough is enough. Glamour goes too far. Jenner cannot be woman of the year because—kids, close your eyes—he has a penis. Jenner might feel like he is a woman, he might want to be a woman, he might be living as a woman, but thoughts do not generate biology or reality. (I’d like to think I’m a millionaire and living in Turks and Caicos year-round, but that doesn’t make it so.)
The fact that Glamour is even passing this off as some kind of convoluted, uber-progressive fact is absolutely mind-bending. It’s as if we’ve taken the blue pill a long time ago and Neo is actually Trinity. When “The Matrix” is the only working analogy, we have a problem.

This Is a Cultural Ploy

The progressive left is to culture what Hollywood is to “House of Cards:” Sure, there’s some real elements incorporated, but some things get exaggerated—or altogether lost—in the shuffle. Grant it, this is Glamour. It’s not like we expected them to pick Laura Bush as woman of the year. So one could consider the source and just as easily shrug it off. But as a college professor once said, “A movie is never just a movie,” and likewise a magazine cover is never just a magazine cover.
When conservatives start finally accepting how the deep end the Left is with their anti-God mantra and when said mantra starts biting them in the ass, only then will we all be better off and can start fighting back.

RELATED:  WTF? Caitlyn Jenner Named Woman Of The Year

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Megyn Kelly Tears Into the Media for Deciding Hillary Won Benghazi Hearing
Megyn Kelly opened her show tonight really letting the mainstream media have it for quickly constructing the narrative that Hillary Clinton won the Benghazi hearing and emerged largely unscathed.

Kelly brought up an email uncovered yesterday showing Clinton emailing the Egyptian prime minister saying they knew the Benghazi attack was not about the anti-Muslim YouTube video, but was instead a planned terrorist attack.

She said this was a pretty big deal, but instead the media narrative has been of the “she won, it’s over, move on” variety.

Kelly brought up all the glowing media coverage of Clinton, as if there was a huge narrative being created to give Clinton the big win over the Republicans.
This is to be expected as the liberal media is hands in deep to make sure Billary is the next POTUS. And Republicans look like fools for all their current infighting, much less hearings that while important, will have no real impact on the polls come November 2016. I say continue to go after Hillary's changing positions on issues that matter, go after her entire record as an abysmal, do-nothing Secretary of State, go after her on social conservative policies that matter to voters and finally, go after her use of the gender card, go after phony liberal voters who are choosing the more centrist Hillary over the clearly more liberal Bernie Sanders, go after her husband too--there's a reason Al Gore lost to George W. Bush in 2000 and it wasn't just because he was Al Gore.

RELATED: Is the mainstream media in the tank for Clinton?

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Joe Biden Is Not Running for President
It’s official, folks: Vice President Joe Biden isn’t running for President of the United States.

Biden made the announcement at a noon press conference in the White House Rose Garden, with President Barack Obama and his wife in attendance. Biden said that while he seriously considered the run, “unfortunately, I believe we are out of time.”

The veep’s hesitance about getting in this race has been the subject of much speculation in the press, with the death of his son still in the back of Biden’s mind. Biden sat out the first big Democratic debate (despite how much CNN practically begged him to join), but a pro-Biden group has been all over the place urging him to get in the race.

Well, now we finally have our answer.
All that time just to say no....what an idiot.  

RELATED:  Your Instant Winners & Losers Scoreboard on Joe Biden’s Decision Not to Run

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Far-Left Governor Andrew Cuomo Hooks Up With Renowned Global Warming Liar Al Gore
With former Vice President Al Gore by his side, Gov. Cuomo on Thursday pledged state action to address climate change.

“Climate change is a reality and not to address it is gross negligence by government and irresponsible as citizens,” Cuomo said during an event at Columbia University.

The governor signed a non-binding commitment to help keep the Earth’s average temperature from increasing 2 degrees Celsius by the year 2100.

In signing the pledge, Cuomo noted that a UN panel on climate change determined that the goal was necessary in order to “avert a catastrophic impact of climate change including sea level rise that would create extreme weather, cause many droughts, and lead to food scarcity.”

He said the state is joining 42 other jurisdictions in 19 countries on five continents that have made the same commitment. California is among them.

Cuomo said the state will also work with others in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative to expand the carbon market to cap emissions. And he pledged to bring solar power to 150,000 more homes and businesses by 2020 and renewable energy to every state university campus by the same year.
RELATED:  Andrew Cuomo Administration Says It Has No Record of Incentive Offers To General Electric

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Liberals Run Moderate Democrat Jim Webb Out Of Presidential Race
Jim Webb officially dropped out of the Democratic race for the presidency in a press conference today where he took a few parting shots at the DNC.

After the CNN Democratic debate last week, Webb complained that the debate process was “rigged.” Today the former senator said, “It’s been very difficult in the Democratic party primary process with the dominance of one candidate, not only in her candidacy, but in the structure of the Democratic party.”

He claimed that Americans are more in agreement with him on policy than the Democratic party hierarchy and said he wants to see the party “get back to its more traditional message.”
Let's face it, in 2015 you can't be a Democrat unless you bow down to the Godless Left. That means believing in a women's right to abortion no matter the circumstances, being anti-war, believing that intentions are more important than results, believing in man-made climate change aka global warming despite the clear facts that state otherwise, being anti-God, believing in "gay rights" regardless of the fact that homosexuality is a choice, using the race card at any given moment to keep minorities voting Democrat and never, ever compromising with Republicans because being a liberal means that you are smarter and better than anyone else and Republicans are just evil.

RELATED: Jim Webb and the culture gap

Monday, October 19, 2015

Sources Tell Fox’s Ed Henry Joe Biden Expected to Run For President
Fox News’ Ed Henry is reporting that sources close to Vice President Joe Biden have told him that Biden will definitely run for president in 2016.

Speculation surrounding a potential Biden run has swirled for the past few months, especially as the private email server continues to drag down the polling numbers of current frontrunner Hillary Clinton. Biden reportedly told friends and supporters that the dying wish of his son Beau Biden was that his father enter the race.

Calls for Biden to enter the race were somewhat muted after a strong performance from Clinton at the first presidential debate. But the first post-debate poll still finds Biden in a strong third place nationally, with 17% of the vote.
And somewhere Hillary is hovering under the sheets after getting this news. Yet, despite him being a complete and utter idiot, I've been hoping for awhile that Biden would run if only because Hillary needs some real competition, not some far-Left, socialist yahoo who's just vying to be her VP.

RELATED: Biden 2016: A Bad Idea Gets Worse

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Donald Trump: With My Immigration Plans, 9/11 Would Never Have Happened
In what is possibly the crescendo of his recent commentary of 9/11, Donald Trump claims that his ideas for immigration would have kept the perpetrators out of America.

Chris Wallace asked Trump to comment on his recently-renewed feud with Jeb Bush, who fired back after Trump attacked George W. Bush for allowing the disaster to happen during his presidency. When asked about whether he actually blamed the former president, Trump said he did not, but has gripes with his brother arguing that W. kept America safe.

“Jeb said ‘we were safe with my brother.’ Well, the World Trade Center just fell down,” Trump argued. “Now, am I trying to blame him? I’m not blaming anybody. But the World Trade Center came down. So when he said ‘we were safe,’ that’s not safe.”

After Wallace asked how he would’ve done things differently, Trump promised that since he is “extremely, extremely tough on immigration,” there's no way the hijackers would’ve gotten anywhere near the planes with him in charge.

“Somebody says ‘well it wouldn’t have been any different.’ well it would’ve been,” Trump said. “So there’s a good chance that those people would not have been in our country. I’m not blaming George Bush, but I don’t want Jeb Bush saying ‘he kept our country safe’ because September 11 was one of the worst days in the history of this country.”
All Trump's doing is going after independent and some socially conservative Democrats voters who can't stand Hillary or Bernie Sanders with all this anti-Bush talk. Which makes sense. But blaming a new President, who was 9 months into his term, for 9/11 especially after Bill Clinton admittedly passed on a chance to kill bin laden, makes absolutely no sense when you look at the facts, which include the many misdeeds of both the Carter and Clinton administrations that led us to the World Trade Center getting attacked.

RELATED: Trump’s Attack On GWB Is Soft Trutherism

Thursday, October 15, 2015

After Palestinians Murder Innocents, Media Somehow Makes Israel the Villain
Israel, a country that had long dealt with terrorism and violence, is in the midst of facing a new threat. Shying away from bombings and car attacks, Palestinian terrorists have shifted to the tactic of having young men with knives attack innocent Israelis on the street. The increasing attacks are essentially suicidal, always ending with Israeli police either killing or severely wounding the terrorists.

Now for any sane journalists, the story here is clearly that teenagers are running around with knifes attacking random innocents. Unless, of course, you’re inclined to cast Israel in a negative light no matter what the circumstances.

Yes, seriously. The Canadian Toronto Star got in on the action as well.

The lack of context from the headline could be chalked up to space issues. But the post’s description reads: “Israeli police shot and killed two Palestinian teenagers and injured two others in Jerusalem on Monday after knife-wielding assailants attacked Israeli civilians and officers…” Gosh, why were the Israeli police attacking these poor Palestinians when those knife-wielding assailants were still on the loose?

Of course, all these headlines are technically accurate. But simply imagine the outrage if a foreign news outlet had ran a headline reading “After Boston Bombing, Police Shoot Muslim Boy in Suburban Neighborhood.” The omission of information intentionally distorts the truth and makes the heroes of the story the villains. For readers who never get past the headline (aka, most people), that inaccurate impression sticks.

These headlines come a week after Al Jazeera’s take on a Palestinian knife attack was “Palestinian shot dead after fatal stabbing in Jerusalem; 2 Israeli victims also killed.” Likewise, the BBC’s headline read “Palestinian shot dead after Jerusalem attack kills two.” Setting aside the clear obfuscation of who was actually behind the attack, both headlines take the extra step of framing the dead murderer as the real victim and treats the actual innocents as afterthoughts.

One nasty headline smearing the Israeli authorities could be a mistake. Two is troubling. But at least five in the span of a week? Newspaper editors across the world need to take a serious look at whether or not the biases they bring to the table are affecting their coverage of a conflict that’s already fraught with misunderstanding.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Bernie Sanders Goes Face-First Into the Tank for Hillary on Her E-Mails
Here’s the moment last night where I learned that making Hillary “feel the Bern” means inviting her to put her feet up by a cozy fire. It’s also where I learned that Sanders isn’t actually trying to win the nomination.

The strategy behind this, I guess, was to stay focused on his message that there’s a war on the middle class and that no petty scandal should distract us from that. That’ll play well with many lefties and it’ll earn him some goodwill with other Democrats who have zoned out of the stories about her server and know it only as some sort of Republican hatchet job on her. Sanders should be able to walk and chew gum at the same time, though, pushing his class-warfare campaign while making the case that Hillary’s unfit to win that war both because she’s not all that progressive on some issues and because she’s deeply compromised by scandal. 

He makes a point here about the perils of “oligarchy”; well, one characteristic of oligarchy is that the oligarchs believe, correctly, that rules that apply to lesser people don’t apply to them. They’re accountable to no one, and they’re willing to risk the security of the average person in order to make themselves more comfortable. That’s the deeper point about Hillary’s freakishly reckless insistence on setting up her own server, not what’s in her “damn e-mails.” She exposed classified information to foreign intelligence and she did it because she didn’t want to be subject to the same oversight at State that the other chumps there are. How does a populist like Sanders fail to note, at least, that this scandal is dripping with ruling-class entitlement?

At the barest minimum, the public backlash to Hillary over the server scandal in the form of horrific poll numbers about her honesty is something that should worry him and the left, as it may end up making the difference in the general election next year. If you’re hot for a socialist revolution, you’ll care a lot about her e-mails if Ted Cruz ends up being elected president instead of Hillary because voters simply don’t trust her. The fact that this guy was unwilling to devote so much as a minute of his time to making that case suggests he’s a hack who’s in the race as nothing more than a morale booster for liberals until they finally sigh and resign themselves to Clinton 3.0. Pitiful.

So that’s one thing we learned last night, that Sanders doesn’t want to win. The other thing we learned is that Geraghty is right — this party now is, for all intents and purposes, loud-and-proud socialist. What Jim Webb was doing there, I have no idea.
RELATED: We Still Won’t Have a Female President

University of Toronto Finds Trouble with Allowing Men to use Women's Showers
The University of Toronto (U of T) is temporarily changing its policy on gender-neutral bathrooms after two reports of voyeurism in a student residence.

Two women showering in Whitney Hall, a residence at U of T's University College, reported they saw a cellphone reach over the shower-stall dividers in an attempt to record them, in two different incidents, police Const. Victor Kwong told The Toronto Star.

Melinda Scott, dean of students at University College, told campus newspaper The Varsity that some washrooms in the college's residences will now be separated by gender for "those who identify as men and those who identify as women."

"At the same time, there remains at least one gender-neutral washroom per floor and per house,” Scott said.

“The purpose of this temporary measure is to provide a safe space for the women who have been directly impacted by these events and other students who may feel more comfortable in a single-gender washroom in the wake of these incidents."

A first-year Whitney Hall resident told the Varsity she was disappointed by the voyeurism reports.

“I think it sucks that there are going to be people that don’t feel safe in Whitney now, and that we can’t have an inclusive environment," Melissa Birch said.

Police don't yet know anything about the perpetrator in the incidents, which took place on Sept. 15 and 19, the Star reported.
RELATED:  Suburban School's Locker Room Policy Discriminates Against Transgender Student, Feds Say

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

NYC Aunt Sues ‘Careless’ 12-Year-Old Nephew for Breaking Her Wrist
A New York woman is suing her now 12-year-old nephew for breaking her wrist during a supposedly overzealous display of affection during the child’s eighth birthday party. Yes, that’s right. An older family member (by blood, no less) is suing a child for $127,000, claiming he should shoulder some of the responsibility for her downtrodden place in life in New York’s Upper East Side over fours years after the fact.

According to the Connecticut PostJennifer Connell told the Bridgeport courtroom that Sean Tarala was “negligence and carelessness” when he leapt into the unready arms of “Auntie Jen” at the Mar. 18, 2011 birthday party.

“All of a sudden he was there in the air, I had to catch him and we tumbled onto the ground,” said Connell. “I remember him shouting, ‘Auntie Jen I love you,’ and there he was flying at me.”

Connell didn’t complain at the time, citing the occasion and her good ol’ Auntie Jen intuition vis-à-vis not wanting to “upset” the boy. During the four years since the incident, however, she claims to have suffered greatly.
“I live in Manhattan in a third-floor walk-up so it has been very difficult,” she said. “And we all know how crowded it is in Manhattan.”
And then there is the damage the injury has done to Connell’s social life.
“I was at a party recently, and it was difficult to hold my hors d’oeuvre plate,” she said.
So Connell wants six figures because she can’t hold a foodless plate of food at a Manhattan party. 

Meanwhile, Sean sat looking “confused” with his father, Michael Tarala in the courtroom. This may or may not have something to do with the fact that his mother, Lisa Tarala died last year and was unable to help defend her son in court.
RELATED: Bill Spadea: If you lose a frivolous lawsuit, you gotta pay the other side’s law fees

Monday, October 12, 2015

The Families of Two Men Want You to Watch Them Die in a Car Crash (VIdeo)
The families of two men, killed while speeding in the U.K., want the video of their final moments shown as a warning to other would-be reckless drivers.
Kat Owen wants people to watch the shocking, fast, and furious last few minutes of her son Michael’s life, for the simple reason that if it “stops one person from making the same mistake, then some good has come from showing this video. I'm hoping it will have an impact on young people and make them see that a bit of fun can have such devastating consequences.”

Michael, 21, and his friend Kyle Careford, 20, died instantly when the car that Careford (unlicensed and uninsured) was driving smashed and overturned at high speed, into the wall of a church in the U.K. town of Crowborough, East Sussex, on April 12 this year.

The two men, from Tunbridge Wells, had taken a cocktail of prescribed and illegal drugs, with Owen filming their careening progress down the country roads right up until the moment of the crash and their deaths.

The video was retrieved from Owen’s phone the next day.

The two-and-a-half minute video was released by Sussex Police with “the knowledge and support of the victims’ families." A warning states that viewers may find it distressing to watch.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Vancouver, Canadian Officials Apologize to Man Who Was Kicked Out of Women’s Locker Room
A transgender woman says she was humiliated when staff at a City of Victoria-run pool denied her access to both the men’s and women’s change rooms.

Brittney Remington, who is about to undergo hormone therapy, said not only was she forced to change in a first-aid room at Crystal Pool on Monday – staff made fun of her too.

The avid swimmer said when she first went to buy a pool pass Monday, a staff member told her city protocol allows transgender people to use whichever change rooms they identify with.

When she returned that afternoon, she found something had changed.

“I went back to go swimming, and I was dressed in a dress…I was about to go in the female change room and they said ‘no.’ They stopped me,” she said. “The woman I was talking to told me that I was not allowed to change in the female change room.”

Remington said she was led to the first-aid room and that pool staff members were snickering at her on the way.

She said she submitted a formal discrimination complaint to Crystal Pool Tuesday, and doesn’t feel like she can go back because of the “very embarrassing” incident.

“I have mostly feminine clothing, so now I don’t know what to do. I don’t know where I can go. I like to exercise, I like to swim,” she said. “It’s disgusting, it should’ve never happened.”

The City of Victoria issued an apology to Remington Tuesday after hearing about the incident.

The head of the parks and recreation department told CTV News there is a policy to let transgender people use whichever change room they identify with, and that in Remington’s case, a serious mistake was made.
“We at all times take pride in the level of service, and wanting to make sure that we take any step necessary to make our patrons feel welcome, and to know that this is a fully accessible space,” said director Thomas Soulliere. “It’s clear, hearing from the accounts of the patron, that the experience was not one that made that individual feel welcome or safe in the facility, so that is something we absolutely need to address in terms of our staff training.”
Thanks to the Godless Left, a man (aka a sick pervert) can just state he's a woman now and he too can have free reign of a women's bathroom.

RELATED: Pierce, Kitsap YMCA transgender policy sets off a storm

The Kids Are Not Alright: Rosie O’Donnell’s Daughter Alleges Poor Home Life, Being Kicked Out
In a new interview with the Daily Mail, the daughter of former The View co-host Rosie O’Donnell claimed that she actually ran away from home to be with her boyfriend.

In case you forgot, O’Donnell announced the disappearance of her daughter Chelsea back in August. The latter was eventually found in the attic of Steve Sheerer, said boyfriend and alleged drug dealer. O’Donnell praised the authorities and her social media followers for the assistance in finding Chelsea, then used her platform to shame Sheerer for past charges and his supposed drug dealing.

According to the Daily Mail’s recent interview with Chelsea, however, this isn’t necessarily what happened. She specifically said that Rosie had kicked her out of the house on Aug. 11, a full week before the social media posts about her having gone missing first appeared.
“She told me to leave and take my dog,” Chelsea said.
Chelsea said there were no major bust-ups at home before she was kicked out but that Rosie was aware she wanted to move out when she turned 18.
“Rosie knew I was planning to leave, that’s why I think she kicked me out.”
In addition, Chelsea criticized her mother’s branding of her as someone with a mental illness.
Chelsea said: “I think she did that because people started asking questions and she didn’t want to seem like this bad parent that had kicked her daughter out.
“Putting out there that I am mentally ill was really hurtful. People think I’m this crazy person and as I’ve said, I have depression and bad anxiety — but it’s been something that’s gotten a lot better. But these were personal things and I didn’t want anyone to know them about me.
“I wouldn’t say I’m mentally ill — I would say lots of people struggle with what I have.”
All of this, of course, comes from the mouth of an 18-year-old girl who ran away from home and inadvertently caused a media circus. Yet it’s difficult to immediately discount some of what Chelsea said, especially when she described what life at home with Rosie O’Donnell was like. The two-time former co-host of The View apparently spent much of her time “in her room, not engaging with us, or watching documentaries.” Chelsea also said living with her mother was “like two different people” — the one in public, and the one at home.
Chelsea even dished on just how tense things were at home when Rosie was contemplating leaving The View the second time. Fellow co-host Whoopi Goldberg had a lot do with the decision, in turns out.
“She and Whoopi really didn’t get along and she’d come home every day and talk about how she was stoned on set and she was being really mean to her,” Chelsea said.
“Rosie said ‘I’ve already had a heart attack, I don’t need this much stress.'”
Back in February, Rosie clarified that she was leaving The View to “minimize my stress.” This lends some credence to what Chelsea had to say about living with her mother at the time.
RELATED:  Rosie O'Donnell Tweets Cryptic Quote After Daughter Chelsea's "Heartbreaking" Interview: "I Will Grow Without You"

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Is It Time For Jeb Bush To Drop Out?
Here’s the only problem: What evidence is there that Bush can’t come back and win? The working theory behind Trump’s (slight) downturn in the polls since the last debate is that voters are only now starting to get serious about the race. If that’s true, then the Bush boomlet might still be coming. If you believe the last NBC/WSJ poll taken in New Hampshire, Bush is still in third place there with 11 percent, just 10 points behind a weakening Trump and five points behind Fiorina, whom few believe will win the nomination. With a ton of money in the bank and continued viability in his must-win state, there’s no reason for him to get out soon. Purely as an ego matter, why would he want to bow to his protege Rubio by throwing in the towel when he and Rubio are separated in most polls by just a handful of points? And whatever you think of Rahn’s assessment of Dubya as a disastrous president, the fact is that Republican voters don’t agree. Go look again at Bush 43’s favorable rating among GOP voters. It’s entirely possible that having George on the trail for Jeb will lend him the bit of stature he needs for undecided center-right voters to take a closer look at him.

The only scenario where it would make sense for Bush to quit in early October, I think, is if Trump and some other credible center-right challenger like Rubio or Kasich had already bounced out to big leads and made it a two-man race. In that case, Jeb might tell himself that it’s unrealistic to think he’ll be able to catch the center-righty, even with tons of money in the bank and Dubya’s help on the trail, and also that Trump is so serious a threat to win the nomination that the responsible thing to do, a la Scott Walker, is unite behind the leading “electable” alternative. Neither of those conditions obtain right now, though — Trump’s lead is shrinking, not expanding, and second place is up for grabs among Rubio, Carson, and Fiorina. It’ll be interesting to see what happens in the next six weeks or so, though, if Rubio continues to inch up and Trump continues to inch down. In that case, Jeb may decide that the scariest prospect of the campaign — Trump as nominee — has become sufficiently unlikely that he can just continue to run his race for another two months and see if he can catch Marco in New Hampshire. If not, fine. Maybe he’ll drop out then and spare Rubio a death match in Florida. If so, great. Then he’s back on track for the nomination. Until it becomes a two-man race, though, this probably isn’t even worth thinking about — unless it turns out that Jeb hates campaigning so much that he’s actually eager to find excuses to quietly retire.

Exit question: What if we end up with a two-man race between Rubio and Ted Cruz, with Jeb Bush more than 10 points behind both men? Would he quit and endorse Rubio then?
RELATED: Jeb Bush Should Face Facts: It’s Time to Drop Out

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Laurel Harper Should be Charged With Accessory To Murder
The apparent online writings of the mother of the man who killed nine people at a community college in Oregon discuss guns and the autism spectrum, painting a partial picture of the environment the family lived in, their beliefs and the challenges they faced.

Online posts linked to Laurel Harper, mother of the gunman, are limited and incomplete, but they seem to indicate two things: that her son, Chris Harper-Mercer, had a developmental disorder, and that the family had a familiarity with firearms and gun laws. 

On Tuesday, a spokesman for the agencies looking into last week's fatal shooting told CNN that investigators are aware of Harper's alleged social media postings and her son's online writings. Sgt. Jeff Eichenbusch of Roseburg police said that Harper is part of the investigation, just as would be any person who was close to the gunman.

Laurel Harper's apparent online writings come in the form of posts to several websites, usually about health topics. The bulk of the postings were on forums such as Yahoo! Answers and comments on NurseTogether.  

Laurel Harper's apparent online writings come in the form of posts to several websites, usually about health topics. The bulk of the postings were on forums such as Yahoo! Answers and comments on NurseTogether. 

Public records link Harper to the same email address used in these posts from a Yahoo! user calling herself "Tweety Bird." 

The postings, first reported by The New York Times, make references to Harper having a son who has a disorder on the autism spectrum and of the family having strong pro-gun views. 

In response to a question posted on Yahoo! Answers three years ago, the account linked to Harper complains about "lame states" that consider a loaded magazine inside the home the same as having a loaded gun.
"I keep all my mags full. I keep two full mags in my Glock case. And the ARs & AKs all have loaded mags. No one will be 'dropping' by my house uninvited without (acknowledgment)," the user Tweety Bird wrote.
Forget gun control because it clearly doesn't work and don't ignore mental illness. Still, gun owners need to be more responsible on who has access to their guns. In this case, a mother with a kid who has a mental disorder, allowing him to have access to her guns? Sorry, but she needs to be charged as an accessory to murder.

Barack Obama Working on More Gun Control Executive Actions
President Barack Obama is working on more executive actions related to gun control following the shooting on an Oregon college campus last week that left nine dead.
"It's a high priority and will continue to be until we start to see more progress on this issue in this town," White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said during the daily briefing on Monday.

Earnest said Obama was working behind the scenes to find ways to take actions, Breitbart reported.

Obama enacted 23 executive actions in 2013 following the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. He has expressed unhappiness that the Republican-controlled Congress has not taken action itself.
Earnest said he disagrees with anyone claiming that Obama did not offer specific proposals in his press conference about the shooting last week.

"I can tell you that they're not stumped, they're continuing to review the law that's on the books and continuing to consult with legal authorities but also others who may have ideas about what steps that can be taken to keep guns out of the hands of criminals," he said.

He admitted to not having any details on the administration's plans, but did criticize the so-called "gun-show loophole" that allows for people to buy guns from private occasional sellers without having to have a background check.

Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton on Monday announced her own plans for executive actions if she is elected. Earnest said the White House welcomes her ideas, though he said he hasn't seen the details.
The Oregon shooter's guns were all purchased legally and 9 times out of 10 a person sick enough to plan and kill a group of innocent people is going to find a way to do it regardless of laws. But all those facts don't matter to a President from the murder capital of Chicago and who's only interest lies in serving the wants and needs of Godless, white liberals.

RELATED: Roseburg’s Gun Store Grandma Shuts Down ‘Executive Anus’ Obama’s Gun Control Narrative

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Report: Joe Biden Leaked Son’s Dying Wish
Politico reported Tuesday it was Vice President Joe Biden himself who leaked his son’s dying wish for him to run for president to New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd. Citing multiple sources, Politico alleges Biden planted the story in August and “effectively placed an ad in The New York Times, asking people to call.” 

The report claims Biden is constantly referencing Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers to aides, as well as the data that show him drawing more support away from her than Bernie Sanders. Sources also told Politico that when Biden privately met with Sen. Elizabeth Warren this summer, he hinted at a possible running-mate spot for 2016. 

Though Biden has said publicly that he remains undecided about a run, his sister, Valerie Biden Owens, and his wife, Jill, are hoping the answer is no, sources said.
RELATED:  Joe Biden’s never-ending delay

Thanks To Radical Feminism, Men Are Now Afraid To Help Women At Work
A new book claims that male office workers are now so afraid of being on the receiving end of a sexual harassment case, they are reluctant to mentor, assist, befriend and even hold open doors for female colleagues. 
Crushingly, Sex & The Office suggests men now view such ordinary, decent behaviours as “too risky” – and, in what will be a bitter irony for equality campaigners – claims that, as a direct consequence, women are now failing to advance at work. 
This terror of being accused of sexual harassment is now so common it has its own term, “backlash stress”. It sounds like something straight out of a Claims Direct ad – where the only victims are men. 

The book’s author, Kim Elsesser, a research scholar at the University of California, argues that a “sex partition” has sprung up, which impedes women from building the vital network of contacts both within the workplace and socially. 

And the author should know about tough working environments: she’s a former equities trader at Morgan Stanley. 

Tellingly, Elsesser adds that companies themselves are contributing to this mess, as they are now so terrified of legal action they send staff on sexual harassment training courses, and are duty-bound to follow up on any allegation, however minor. 

Ludicrously, Elsesser cites examples of men who have been dragged in by their HR departments for simply opening a door for a female colleague or complimenting her on a new suit. “Stories like these spread around workplaces, instilling a fear that innocent remarks will be misinterpreted,” she says.
RELATED: LA’s Walk Of Shame Sending The Wrong Message?

Monday, October 5, 2015

Pretty Much Everything Barack Obama Said About Gun Violence Was Wrong
The president’s emotional plea for us to politicize mass shootings to curb Second Amendment rights was explicitly clear Thursday night. The president cited what he considers to be the facts that support his narrative on the issue of gun violence in America. Namely, that the American people, including gun owners, want stricter gun laws, that it’s easy to obtain firearms, and that the UK and Australia have passed laws that reduced mass shootings.

Let’s start with the polling. 

First, the support for gun control has waned since Newtown, with support dropping below 50 percent. Second, 60 percent feel that guns in the home make them safer. Third, the majority of American feel more guns reduce crime. Fourth, as a result, it’s no surprise that 68 percent of Americans feel safer in neighborhoods that are packing heat. Fifth, support for gun rights is at a 25-year high

As for the ability for one to buy a firearm, it’s true that for years Americans thought it was too easy to buy guns. That’s not the case anymore; 49 percent think it’s just about right, while 41 percent think it’s too easy.
Regarding the UK and Australia, they’re our allies–yes. But that doesn’t mean they’re good at gun policy, nor does it mean we should follow their lead with policies that amount to gun confiscation--something that will be incredibly hard to pull off, and most likely unconstitutional, given that the U.S. has 300-350 million guns housed in over 100 million homes. So, sorry, Mr. President, but we’re not like them. We have a Bill of Rights that prevent us from enacting similar policies over here–for which I am eternally grateful.

As I wrote earlier today, the National Review’s Charles Cooke described this un-serious attitude liberals and anti-gun advocates have regarding solutions to these awful incidents, as if whoever shows they’re the most passionate about stopping mass shootings gets the big, stuffed panda bear in the end. Cooke stressed that this isn’t a competition for who is the most “vexed.” It’s a public policy debate, and the pro-gun control side has nothing to offer that could stop mass shootings. Again, there is a debate on how to prevent the mentally ill from obtaining firearms. The president is right that America isn’t the only nation dealing with how to treat and detect mental illness, but the vast majority of the perpetrators of mass shootings have exhibited serious signs of mental instability. 

Adam Lanza, Elliot Rodger, Aaron Alexis, Jared Lee Loughner, and John Russel Houser all committed mass shootings–and all were mentally ill. In some cases, like Alexis, if he had been properly reported, his security clearance would have been revoked and the Navy Yard shooting would have never occurred. It’s a tedious debate that touches upon the right to privacy, federalism, constitutional rights, doctor-patient confidentiality, and to add more to the pile–a comprehensive rundown of mental illnesses that should prohibit one who is afflicted with mental problems from owning firearms. It's quite the Gordian knot regarding policy, but even Alexander the Great was able to untie it. We can do so here. The majority of states voluntarily submit mental health records into the federal National Instant Background Check System [NICS]. How can we improve this, given that it’s not going to be shocking if we find out that the Oregon shooter, Chris Harper-Mercer, was mentally disturbed? Both sides agree on this issue, yet it’s the gun control side that wants to shove this on the periphery so we could either tip-toe around what they really want–gun confiscation–or have another painfully ineffective talking point shouting match over background checks.

Yes, the public is for background checks. I’m for background checks. Almost every law-abiding gun owner supports background checks, but expanding them in the way prescribed by the anti-gun left is neither effective nor smart policy unless it includes something to deal with the mentally ill, and that is going to take some time to debate. At the same time, we know that gun control advocates cling onto this talking point for dear life because it’s the only part of their agenda that polls well. On the other hand, 64 percent do support a gun registry, which is depressing, though gun owners generally oppose this–and they’re the side that’s going to show up at the polls when decision time comes.
RELATED:  Everyone Talks Big Game on Mental Illness; Here’s the One Candidate Doing Something About It

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Vatican Sacks Gay Priest After Highly Public Coming Out
The Vatican on Saturday dismissed a Polish priest from his Holy See job after he came out as gay and called for changes in Catholic teachings against homosexual activity on the eve of a major Church meeting on the family.

Monsignor Krzysztof Charamsa, a theologian, had worked at the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, the Vatican's doctrinal arm, since 2003, and taught theology at pontifical universities in Rome, which have also dismissed him.

Charamsa, 43, told Italy's Corriere della Sera newspaper and Polish media that he was gay and had a partner. The Church teaches that homosexuality is not a sin but homosexual activity is, and priests, whether heterosexual or gay, take vows of celibacy.

Charasma followed up his media interviews with a packed news conference with his partner and gay activists at a Rome restaurant. They had planned a demonstration in front of the Vatican but changed the venue several hours before it was due to have started.

The Vatican said the dismissal had nothing to do with Charasma's reflections on his personal life, which it said "merit respect".

But it said his interviews and the planned demonstration was "grave and irresponsible" given their timing on the eve of a synod of bishops who will discuss family issues, including the Church's position on gays.

The Vatican said his actions were aimed at subjecting the synod, which Pope Francis opens on Sunday, to "undue media pressure". He presided at prayer vigil for the synod on Saturday night before tens of thousands of people in St Peter's Square.

At the news conference, Charamsa said he wanted to make "an enormous noise for the good of the Church" and apply "good Christian pressure" on the synod not to forget homosexual believers.

"This decision of mine to come out was a very personal one taken in a Catholic Church that is homophobic and very difficult and harsh (towards gays)," he said.
If the Vatican starts caving to the Gay Mafia, soon there will be no point in joining a church.

Friday, October 2, 2015

New Forensic Report Flushes Planned Parenthood’s “Highly Edited” Talking Point
Planned Parenthood can no longer hide behind a defense of distraction.

With hours of video footage available online showing its senior level executives and its baby-part-harvesting corporate partner, StemExpress, discussing the business of baby body parts, Planned Parenthood and its allies did the only thing they could do – deflect.

Unable to defend their words and afraid Americans would watch the videos and make up their own minds, Planned Parenthood employed a Democratic opposition research firm to discredit the videos and promote the narrative that the CMP videos, even the full versions available on YouTube, are all “heavily edited.” Planned Parenthood’s defenders then broke out the thesaurus and began an ever-escalating series of claims about the videos. From “edited” to “manipulated” to “doctored” to “fraudulent.” And the media played right along.

But this week, ADF released the results of a new forensic report that debunks this talking point. Coalfire, one of the country’s most trusted digital forensic analysis companies, released a report indicating the undercover videos recorded by the Center for Medical Progress are “authentic and show no evidence of manipulation.”

Forensic analysts were granted access to all of the raw investigated footage recorded by the Center for Medical Progress and checked it against the full length videos posted on the CMP YouTube account. They found the only events not depicted in the publicly available videos fell into five common categories: commuting, waiting, adjusting recording equipment, meals, and restroom breaks. All of the edited content was “non-pertinent” to the actual investigation.

For months Planned Parenthood defenders have been pounding on the door of CMP, demanding to see the videos in their entirety. We now know the door they have been pounding is to the men’s room. Seriously. This is a photo of one of the “highly edited” gaps in the full version of the videos CMP has posted online.
David Daleiden, the videos’ creator, has been saying exactly this about the videos ever since a Democratic activist firm was hired to do what it does – discredit opponents. But even that Planned-Parenthood–commissioned report had to acknowledge the same findings revealed by Coalfire.
RELATED:  Democrats: The party of abortion, not the party of women

Gay Mafia Wins Again As Caitlyn Jenner Won't Be Charged in Fatal February Car Accident
California prosecutors declined Wednesday to charge Caitlyn Jenner in connection with a fatal multi-car accident earlier this year, citing insufficient evidence. 

A month-long investigation by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department found that Jenner — the reality show star who, as Bruce Jenner, won a gold medal in the decathlon at the 1976 Summer Olympics — was driving too fast for the prevailing conditions in February when her SUV, hauling a trailer, rear-ended a Lexus on the rain-slickened Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu. 

Prosecutors could have filed a misdemeanor manslaughter charge, but sources familiar with the investigation said there was a number of mitigating factors, including the fact that Jenner wasn't driving recklessly or at excessive speed, didn't flee the scene, traveled with the flow of traffic and wasn't on a cellphone at the time. 

"We believed from the start that a thorough and objective investigation would clear Caitlyn of any criminal wrongdoing," said Jenner's attorney, Blair Berk. 

"We are heartened the district attorney has agreed that even a misdemeanor charge would be inappropriate," Berk said. "A traffic accident, however devastating and heartbreaking when a life is lost, is not necessarily a criminal matter." 

The Los Angeles County district attorney's office noted that Jenner was traveling slightly below the posted speed limit and "minimally slower than [the] victim." To charge Jenner with a crime would require "ordinary negligence," and prosecutors said they "could not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that suspect's conduct was unreasonable." 

The driver of the Lexus, Kim Howe, 69, died after her car was pushed into the southbound lane of the highway and was struck head-on by a Humvee. 
RELATED:  Caught on camera: Fatal moment Caitlyn Jenner's Cadillac plowed into the back of 69-year-old widow in deadly Malibu crash

Thursday, October 1, 2015

House Republicans Consider Suing Barack Obama for Withholding Side Deals on Iran’s Nuclear Program
House Republicans are still considering a lawsuit and other measures to prevent the implementation of the Iran nuclear deal and the provision of billions of dollars in sanctions relief to Tehran, according to one of the leading lawmakers opposed to the agreement.

Rep. Peter Roskam (R., Ill.) told the Washington Free Beacon in an interview that the Obama administration still needs to address a “serious legal question” about the nuclear deal and the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, which allowed Congress to evaluate the agreement before it was fully implemented. According to the review act, lawmakers were supposed to be granted access to the text of the agreement as well as “any additional materials related thereto, including annexes, appendices, codicils, side agreements, implementing materials, documents, and guidance, technical or other understandings, and any related agreements.”

However, Roskam and other lawmakers have said that they have been prohibited from viewing the “side deals” that govern the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) inspections of Iran’s nuclear facilities. Agency officials have said that such inspection deals typically remain confidential.

Further questions were raised about the secret side deals earlier this month when Iran said it obtained samples itself from Parchin—a military site where Tehran is suspected of conducting nuclear work—without agency officials present. Yukiya Amano, head of the agency, pushed back against those claims and said that “the agency can confirm the integrity of the sampling process and the authenticity of the samples.”

“This is such a far cry from the false claim [President Obama] had that this would be full disclosure and we would have all this information,” Roskam said. “Why are these side deals so sacrosanct?”

The clandestine nature of the side deals might also be illegal, he said. The plain language of the Nuclear Agreement Review Act—signed into law by Obama—requires the disclosure of all side agreements, placing a “high burden” on the administration to prove it is not violating the act by withholding side deals from Congress.

House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio), is “actively considering” a legal challenge against the administration for violating the review act, Roskam said.
RELATED:  White House says Obama would veto any bill that blocks Iran deal