Friday, June 30, 2017

Mika Brzezinski: Liberal Scumbag of the Week

Occupation: co-host of MSNBC's weekday morning broadcast Morning Joe 

Why She's the Liberal Scumbag of the Week: for gamely playing the victim after President Trump finally responded to her months of nasty, personal attacks against him on her low rated show. As spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders noted in a press briefing: “The things that this show has called him, and not just him but numerous members of his staff, including myself and many others, are very deeply personal,“ she said, arguing that Trump was being treated unfairly compared to his predecessor Barack Obama.

Indeed, since he became President, Brzezinski and her fiancee have engaged in a litany of scathing personal attacks on Trump. Calling the President everything from 'mentally unstable' to a 'schmuck', 'thug', 'goon', 'liar', and 'idiot' as well making fun of his appearance and manhood--yunno, the kind of stuff a conservative news host could never get away with a Democrat President.

Still, the liberal press (esp. CNN) that Trump hates, predictably sucked it all up for a one-sided narrative that condemned the President while making a martyr out of Brzezinski. The same Brzezkinski who has also bullied Counselor-to-the-President Kellyanne Conway time and time again on air (even going so far as to call her 'politics porn')--another convenient fact that the smug, self-righteous, liberal media won't tell you about.

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