Saturday, February 28, 2015

Liberal Websites Walk Back Claim Scott Walker Eliminated Campus Rape Provisions
Jezebel ran a story Friday by former Intercept reporter Natasha Vargas-Cooper highlighting a provision in Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s proposed budget that deleted numerous requirements for reporting sexual assault on campus. “Scott Walker Wants Colleges to Stop Reporting Sexual Assaults,” the headline read.

But the twenty-six deletions, part of $300 million worth of budget cuts and accompanied by an effort to largely disassociate the university system from state control, were requested by the university to eliminate duplicate reporting requirements. The information is already reported to the Department of Justice, as well as published on the university’s website. (The Cap Times gets into the details.)

“State statute changes were required to give UW System full authority status and the UW System requested the deletion of provisions of duplicative reporting requirements as part of the move to the authority,” a Walker spokesperson said Saturday. “In this case, UW System requested this report requirement be removed because there is already a federal reporting requirement related to sexual assault and harassment on campuses.”

“Student education and mandatory reporting are important practices also built in, and those practices are going to continue on our campuses,” a UW spokesperson told the Associated Press. “We are not lessening our commitment here or at our institutions one iota.”

Jezebel’s story was first updated at the bottom with the following:
RELATED:  Republican power brokers think Scott Walker just isn’t ready. Do they have a point?

Monday, February 23, 2015

Christian Florist Barronelle Stutzman Rejects Attorney General’s Offer, Won’t Betray Her Religious Beliefs
Barronelle Stutzman, a Washington State florist who declined to provide flowers for a gay wedding , has rejected a deal by the attorney general’s office that would’ve forced her to betray her religious beliefs – much like Judas betrayed Jesus.

“You are asking me to walk in the way of a well-known betrayer, one who sold something of infinite worth for 30 pieces of silver,” Stutzman wrote in a letter to state Attorney General Bob Ferguson. “That is something I will not do.”

Ferguson had offered to settle the case if she paid a $2,000 penalty for violating the Consumer Protection Act, a $1 payment for costs and fees, and agreed not to discriminate in the future.

“My primary goal has always been to bring about an end to the defendant’s unlawful conduct and to make clear that I will not tolerate discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation,” Ferguson said in a prepared statement.

On Feb. 18 a judge ruled Stutzman had violated the law by refusing to provide flowers for the same-sex wedding of a longtime customer. The state had not only gone after the flower shop but also Stutzman personally.

Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), the religious liberty law firm representing Stutzman, said legal bills could be as high as seven figures.

“He’s using the full power of his office to personally and professionally destroy her,” ADF attorney Kristen Waggoner told me.

But the 70-year-old Southern Baptist grandmother said she will not violate her religious beliefs – no matter what. If that means losing her house – so be it.

“I certainly don’t relish the idea of losing my business, my homes and everything else that your lawsuit threatens to take from my family, but my freedom to honor God in doing what I do best is more important,” Stutzman wrote in a letter to the attorney general. (You can read my earlier story on Stutzman’s case here.)
She said the attorney general simply does not understand her or what the conflict is all about.

“It’s about freedom, not money,” she said. “You chose to attack my faith and pursue this not simply as a matter of law, but to threaten my very means of working, eating and having a home.”
Why isn't this getting more attention from the media and/or Republican politicians? This is nothing but bullying by the despicable Gay Mafia.

RELATED: Opinion: A florist loses religious freedom

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

U.S. Delays Obama's Immigration Steps After Judge's Rebuke
President Barack Obama's administration on Tuesday delayed implementing his unilateral steps to shield millions of illegal immigrants from deportation after a judge blocked the actions at the urging of 26 states accusing Obama of exceeding his powers.

In a setback to the president, U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen in Brownsville, a city along the Texas border with Mexico, issued a temporary court order on Monday stopping Obama's executive actions that bypassed a gridlocked Congress.

Hanen's action left in disarray U.S. policy toward the roughly 11 million people in the country illegally. 
Obama said he disagreed with the ruling and expected his administration to prevail once the issue made its way through the courts.

"The law is on our side and history is on our side," Obama told reporters in the Oval Office.

The president said the administration will comply with the judge's order and delay accepting applications from some of the illegal immigrants for deportation relief and work permits that had been set to begin on Wednesday.

"We will be prepared to implement this fully as soon as the legal issues get resolved," Obama said. He urged Congress to pass legislation to reform the U.S. immigration system more broadly.

Obama said the Justice Department will appeal Hanen's preliminary injunction to the majority conservative 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans. Hanen has previously issued other opinions critical of the Obama administration’s enforcement of immigration laws.

Hanen's preliminary injunction is not a ruling on the merits of the lawsuit filed by 26 states, led by Republican bastions such as Texas. 
RELATED: 5 Key Findings From The Injunction Blocking Obama's Amnesty

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Alabama White Liberal Southern Baptist Minister Ellin Jimmerson Officiates Black Lesbian Marriage....Is Censured
The Rev. Dr. Ellin Jimmerson was the first Southern Baptist minister to marry same-sex couples in Alabama - and will likely be the last.

In the wake of the national attention focused on her statement about why she agreed to perform the weddings, which began on Monday, Feb. 9, 2015, Alabama Southern Baptist leaders have issued statements that effectively call for a disassociation between the Southern Baptist Convention and the Huntsville, Ala., Baptist congregation where Jimmerson was ordained and is a member. Southern Baptist churches are affiliated with local associations connected with the SBC; there is no direct membership for any congregation in the SBC, but the move is in line with national SBC teachings on marriage.

Jimmerson, who holds a master's in theology and a doctorate in history, was ordained as a minister to the community at Weatherly Heights Baptist Church several years ago, but she is not a staff minister for the congregation. The distinction between being on staff and being overseen by the ordaining church didn't blunt the focus of the message from the state Southern Baptist Convention leaders.

"[A]ny church that allows staff members to officiate at same-sex ceremonies is clearly outside biblical teachings about marriage and human sexuality, and they demonstrate that they are not in like-minded fellowship or friendly cooperation with Alabama Baptists and Southern Baptists," said Rick Lance, executive director of the Alabama Board of Missions, and Pastor Travis Coleman, president of the Alabama Baptist State Convention, in a joint statement issued Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2015.

Contacted Friday, Jimmerson declined to comment about the Southern Baptist-Weatherly affiliation issue.
This is what the white liberal does--lead the brainwashed masses further astray and right into the hands of the Devil. And it's all done with a smile on their face.

RELATED: What Alabama’s Roy Moore Got Right

Monday, February 16, 2015

The Democrats’ Green Energy Dream is Becoming Their Nightmare
Like so many other scandalous episodes, the media long ago dismissed the controversy surrounding the green energy firm Solyndra. A little corruption at taxpayer expense is the cost of doing green business, the left-leaning members of the press apparently tell themselves. 

“Now that the loan program is turning a profit, those critics are silent,” a 2014 National Public Radio report highlighting the bountiful successes of the Energy Department’s green energy loan program read. “[Energy Secretary Ernest] Moniz points to a small company called Beacon Power as an example. It got an Energy Department loan, went bankrupt and defaulted on about $14 million in debt. Today the company is back in business, providing a valuable service to electricity grids and repaying the rest of its loan.”

Only in Washington would a publicly funded media outlet praising a publicly funded boondoggle not strike anyone as obscenely perverse. 

But for all the government’s green energy success stories, there are far more abject failures. The Investors Business Daily editorial board warned of the coming corruption scandals involving renewable energy investments in 2012:
Other Solyndras are coming to light, the latest being Sapphire Energy. Its pond-scum-based biofuel still costs over $26 a gallon, but that doesn’t matter when your executives give almost solely to Democrats.
The Washington Free Beacon reports that after $104.5 million in stimulus and other Energy and Agriculture Department funds for a New Mexico facility, it can boast just 36 new jobs. UC Berkeley’s Energy Biosciences Institute says it’ll take a decade before we know if algae-based fuel can compete with gas.
The Washington Post recently found “$3.9 billion in federal grants and financing flowed to 21 companies backed by firms with connections to five Obama administration staffers and advisers.”
In that same year, Ed Morrissey asked how the bankrupt Colorado solar panel manufacturer Abound Solar was awarded $68 million in subsidies despite having a documented history of manufacturing an underperforming product and “catastrophic failures.” But at least Beacon Power is doing well. 

For years, Democratic politicians have been untouched by the scandalous antics of the green firms they supported. But the Democrats’ green energy chickens are finally coming home to roost. The rolling clean power fiasco has claimed a new scalp, and it is no small prize: Four-term Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber

“Oregon’s controversy has created new questions for billionaire environmental activist Tom Steyer, a major Democratic supporter and bundler for Mr. Obama,” The Washington Times reported last week. “It also has renewed questions about whether the nation’s embrace of clean energy has become a lobbying bonanza that enriched some well-heeled Democrats.”

The scandal that sunk Kitzhaber and now threatens to impugn the reputation of one of the Democratic Party’s most prolific donors revolves entirely around the deference given to those in the green energy sector. Kitzhaber’s fiancé, Cylvia Hayes, allegedly collected $118,000 in fees while serving as an “unpaid policy advisor” to the environmentalist nonprofit based in Washington D.C. that was tasked with setting low-carbon fuel standards for the Beaver State. 
RELATED:  Tom Steyer’s Deep Ties to Oregon Corruption Scandal

Sunday, February 15, 2015

How Jon Stewart Turned Lies Into Comedy and Brainwashed a Generation
So Brian Williams goes out (for six months) humiliated and derided. Jon Stewart goes out (permanently, one hopes) the same day, but on a giant Comedy Homecoming King float, with a 21-gun salute from the media, his path strewn with roses and teardrops.


Brian Williams lied about his personal exploits a few times. Jon Stewart was unabashedly and habitually dishonest.

Though Stewart has often claimed he does a “fake news show,” “The Daily Show” isn’t that. It’s a real news show punctuated with puns, jokes, asides and the occasional moment of staged sanctimony. 

It contains real, unstaged sound bites about the days’ events and interviews about important policy matters.
Stewart is a journalist: an irresponsible and unprofessional one.

He is especially beloved by others in the journo game. (For every 100 viewers, he generated about 10 fawning profiles in the slicks, all of them saying the same thing: The jester tells the truth!). 

Any standard liberal publication was as likely to contain an unflattering thought about Stewart as L’Osservatore Romano is to run a hit piece on the pope.

The hacks have a special love for Stewart because he’s their id. They don’t just think he’s funny, they thrill to his every sarcastic quip. They wish they could get away with being so one-sided, snarky and dismissive. 

They wish they could skip over all the boring phone calls and the due diligence and the pretend fairness and just blurt out to their ideological enemies in Stewart style, “What the f–k is wrong with you?”

Most other journalists aren’t allowed to swear or to slam powerful figures (lest they be denied chances to interview them in future). Their editors make them tone down their opinions and cloak them behind weasel words like “critics say.” Journalists have to dress up in neutrality drag every day, and it’s a bore.

Yet Stewart uses his funnyman status as a license to dispense with even the most minimal journalistic standards. Get both sides of the story? 

Hey, I’m just a comedian, man. Try to be responsible about what the real issues are? Dude, that’s too heavy, we just want to set up the next d- -k joke.
RELATED:  Waiting for the Conservative Jon Stewart