Sunday, July 12, 2020

Ain't The Devil Happy: In The News - Week of 7/12/2020

Why New York Times praises ‘cancel culture’ but skips over its own racist history

USA Today Fact-Check Tweet Claims Trump Camp Shirts ‘Feature’ ‘Nazi Symbol’

Trump Was Right All Along: The Fake News Media Really Is The Enemy Of The People

Police Seize Gun From St. Louis Couple Threatened By Mob

Mitt Romney Slammed and Corrected After Falsely Claiming Roger Stone Commutation Was ‘Unprecedented’

DeVos Says Schools Reopening Plans Can't Be Based On 'Short-Term' COVID Spikes

Serious Candidate or Not, Kanye Raises Important Ideas

Liberal’s All-Out Assault On Free Speech

Supremes Signal a Brave New World of Popular Presidential Elections

In Defense of Terry Crews

Question For Surgeon General: Do You Regret Telling The Public Early On Not To Wear Masks?

Judge: Recall Of Seattle Mayor Can Move Forward

Trump wears mask in public for first time during pandemic

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