Saturday, February 20, 2016

Despite Fights and Crazy Phone Calls With Clintons in 2008, Jim Clyburn Endorses Hillary Clinton
All day today, people have been talking about how influential Representative Jim Clyburn, who is a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, has endorsed Hillary Clinton. This is especially interesting to news consumers who know about his not-so-nice comments against Hillary and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, during her first run for president back in 2008.

In a New York Times interview, he called the former president’s actions on the campaign trail “bizarre,” saying that his efforts to help his wife secure the Democratic nomination had alienated the couple from the black community the moment he disparaged Barack Obama. Seriously, the article was titled, “Black Leader in the House Sharply Criticizes Bill Clinton.”

The Wall Street Journal covered the fallout from that in 2008, writing that, “On primary night, Mr. Clinton called Mr. Clyburn and they spoke for 50 minutes.” Then, they wrote this:
Mr. Clinton called Mr. Clyburn an expletive, say Democrats familiar with the exchange. Mr. Clyburn’s office would confirm only that the former president used “offensive” words. Some day soon, the congressman says, he’ll write about the incident. On Tuesday, he endorsed Mr. Obama for president.
In spite of his 2008 endorsement of Obama, during the announcement today, he said, “My heart has always been with Hillary Clinton, but my head had me in a neutral corner.” Then, the man who is involved with not only the CBC, but the Democratic Faith Working Group, the Democratic Steering and Policy Committe, and Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., said he was ready to stop being neutral and “get engaged.”
It's funny watching Black people, who called the Clinton's all kinds of names and accsed them of all sorts of racist dispositions back when they ran against Barry in 2008, now all of a sudden embrace those two turncoats here in 2016 with Barry out the way.

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