Thursday, February 11, 2016

How the Hollyweird Left Has Suddenly Forgotten About Dan Savage’s Exploitative Race-baiting;
Popular author and gay-rights activist Dan Savage is the perfect example of the benefits of being in the right spot on the Liberal Grievance Pyramid.

The pyramid is how we know which favored minority group takes precedence over competing minority
groups when the two come into conflict at any one moment. In Savage’s case, his continued celebration shows that the trendiness of gay rights trumps anti-racism and accountability for many on the left who should clearly know better.

For the unfamiliar, the Seattle-based Savage is a longtime sex columnist best known for co-launching the It Gets Better Project to prevent suicides among LGBT youth.

Savage’s sound-bitey brazenness has made him a favorite of progressive media. He opines on the Bill Maher show and in op-eds for The New York Times. Savage is also executive producer of the new ABC program
“The Real O’Neals,” a family comedy loosely based on his own life: Irish-American family, gay son.

Tall and trim and white and dude-ly, Savage — who’s married with an adopted son — serves as an idealized public face for America’s assimilationist LGBT masses.

Except that he’s not. Well before he was championing gay teens, Savage initiated a campaign of anti-black bigotry whose impact is still being felt nearly a decade later.

The setting was the disgraceful passage of California’s Proposition 8, which outlawed same-sex marriage across the Golden State on the same Election Day in 2008 that vaulted Barack Obama to the presidency.

To Savage, the two were directly related: “Seventy percent of African-American voters approved Prop. 8,” he loudly (and erroneously) claimed the day after the election in a piece titled “Black Homophobia.” 

“African-American voters,” he continued, “[have] written anti-gay discrimination into California’s Constitution.”

At a mere 7 percent of California’s population, black voters were clearly not “to blame” for Prop. 8. Indeed, subsequent research attributed its passage to a wide range of constituencies: blacks, whites, Latinos, Mormons, older voters.

But no matter. Savage was just getting started: “I’m done pretending that the handful of racist gay white men out there . . . are a bigger problem for African-Americans, gay and straight, than the huge numbers of homophobic African-Americans are for gay Americans, whatever their color.”

In today’s era of instant race-related hashtag activism — #blacklivesmatter, #oscarssowhite — Savage’s “blacks vs. gays” sentiments wouldn’t survive a news cycle without a backlash.

But 2008 was an entirely different time — when “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was still law and federal marriage equality seemed an impossible dream. Outraged and demanding answers, Savage’s statements tapped into LGBT frustrations and helped spur anti-Prop 8 rallies across the nation.
Dan Savage has long been a miscreant and Godless, white gays have long used Blacks to push their sordid agenda. So no surprise that people with short memories in the Hollyweird Left with fistfuls of cash are now propping Savage up as a 'hero', while the Blacks continue to get left behind.

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