Thursday, February 4, 2016

Ted Cruz: ‘I Agree in Many Ways with Bernie Sanders’
As Donald Trump spent his week attacking Ted Cruz while trying to win favor in New Hampshire, Cruz took a much different approach: He praised his Democratic rival, Bernie Sanders. Cruz knew that the state is notorious for its regionalistic voting when he spoke highly of the Vermont senator to a crowd in Henniker this afternoon.

“In diagnosing the problem, I agree in many ways with Bernie Sanders,” he said, according to Politico‘s Katie Glueck. “I enjoy watching the media folks. They’re very puzzled when they say, ‘Gosh, Ted, you sound exactly like Bernie, saying it’s all big money and lobbyists and corruption.’ Well, you know what?

That’s right. It is. Washington is corrupt.”

He went on to say that the real division in politics is not between Republicans or Democrats, but between career officials in Washington and their constituents before concluding that the only difference between him and Sanders was their proposed solutions to the mutually agreed-upon problem.

Sanders, by Cruz’s description, wants to fix Washington by creating “even more Washington,” which, he said, “is nuts.”
RELATED:  Yes, Cruz Campaign Did Lie About CNN Starting Ben Carson Rumor

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