Saturday, February 20, 2016

Sarah Palin Goes On Attack Against Fake Conservative Glenn Beck
Former Alaska governor, vice presidential candidate and Fox News pundit Sarah Palin took to Facebook to slam Glenn Beck for his recently spouted political views and criticisms of Republican front-runner Donald Trump, bluntly asking the Blaze TV and radio host: “What’s conservative about that?”

Palin recently endorsed Trump; Beck, who endorsed Sen. Ted Cruz, has been one of Trump’s most vocal critics.
Palin wrote: “Ted Cruz’s star spokesman and campaign partner, Glenn Beck, promises he will support a socialist vs. the pro-life, pro-2nd Amendment, pro-growth, pro-American GOP front runner … what’s conservative about that?”

She then included a link to a Gateway Pundit article entitled, “Huh? Glenn Beck Tells Iowa Crowd He Prefers Bernie Sanders Over Donald Trump.”

Palin went on that way for half a page, posting criticisms of Beck’s politics above the link to the pertinent news story.

She wrote: “Beck would have chosen Hillary Clinton over the GOP nominee and evidently thinks Barack Obama is a pretty swell guy as president … what’s judicious about that?”

And this: “Beck proclaims his hatred for the American victims of 9/11 – the innocent VICTIMS, mind you, not the evil terrorists. … what’s honorable about that?”

And another: “Beck joins Cruz in inviting more illegals to break America’s laws as the two link arms to greet illegal immigrants at the border with rewarding gifts of soccer balls and teddy bears … what’s celebratory about that?”
Beck has long been a phony, glad a prominent conservative finally called him out on it.

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