Sunday, December 20, 2015

5 Times Debbie Wasserman Schultz Violated DNC Rules and Stacked the Deck in Favor of Hillary Clinton
Tonight’s Democratic debate in Manchester, New Hampshire comes just a day after a very public battle between the Bernie Sanders campaign and Debbie Wasserman Schultz, chair of the Democratic National Committee. And given how Sanders raised an additional $1 million in just one day by maligning the Democratic Party organization as a saboteur working on behalf of his rival, the head of the DNC has made a name for herself among many Democratic voters as a shill for the Clinton machine.

If Wasserman Schultz hopes to maintain credibility, bring unity to the party, and help more Democrats win elections, it has a lot of work to do to define its reputation as something other than what former Virginia US Senator Jim Webb called “an arm for the Clinton campaign.”

Here are 5 blatant examples of the DNC tipping the scales in favor of Hillary Clinton during the 2016 Democratic primaries:

1. Scheduling primary debates to garner as few viewers as possible

DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz has taken lots of heat for scheduling only six Democratic primary debates compared to the Republicans’ 12 debates, and for scheduling them at times traditionally known for low TV ratings. Saturday night’s Democratic debate in Manchester, New Hampshire on ABC coincides with a Saturday night NFL football game on CBS, and is additionally competing with the opening weekend for the highly-anticipated Star Wars sequel. The debate is also just six nights before Christmas, when many Americans are likely traveling for the holidays. The next debate in January will take place on a weekend, at the same time as an NFL playoff game. The next debate that’s on a weekend isn’t until February, around the same time as the early primaries.

When asked about the timing of this weekend’s Democratic debate, a spokesman for Bernie Sanders joked “I guess Christmas Eve was booked.” Martin O’Malley accused the DNC of trying to “circle the wagons” around the front-runner.

Wasserman Schultz has also been accused of rigging debate audiences themselves to be friendly to Hillary Clinton. After the second Democratic debate in Iowa, Senate candidate Tom Fiegen accused the DNC of loading the room with Clinton supporters to make it seem to viewers that Clinton was winning the debate with each round of applause.

2. Grassroots Clinton field offices co-located at DNC offices

In a recent VICE News report, reporter Pete Voelker described seeing firsthand how the Clinton campaign had rented a campaign office within the local Democratic Party office in Nevada, a crucial early primary state. Indeed, both the Clinton field office and the Carson City Democratic Party list the same address: 502 E. John Street.
“With its walls papered with Hillary Clinton signs and the seats carefully arranged for the Hillary for America ribbon-cutting, it was hard to tell where the Democratic Party’s office ended and the Clinton office began. There were a few signs referencing Obama and the Affordable Care Act, but as far as I could tell, there weren’t any that mentioned the two other Democrats running for president.”
However, Sanders campaign spokeswoman Joan Kato said no local Democratic Party officials offered any office space to their Nevada operations.

“None of our offices are located within the Nevada State Democratic Party or any of their affiliate offices,” Kato told VICE News.

In New Hampshire, where the first official presidential primary of 2016 takes place, New Hampshire Democratic Party staffers rushed to join the Clinton campaign before the former Secretary of State even announced her campaign for the presidency. Mike Ollen, Gene Allen, and Liz Wester left their positions at the state party to join the Clinton campaign in early April 2015, according to WMUR.

3. Dismantling Bernie Sanders’ campaign over one staffer’s mistake

The most obvious example of DNC favoritism toward Hillary Clinton was Friday’s snafu that began with the Bernie Sanders’ campaign defending itself against allegations of cheating and ended with Sanders filing a federal lawsuit against the DNC and accusing the party of “sabotage” against his campaign infrastructure to help Hillary Clinton.

Events spiraled out of control just as quickly as they unfolded. Josh Uretsky, national data director for the Sanders campaign, admitted to improperly accessing Clinton’s campaign data during a 40-minute security breach within NGP VAN, the system all Democratic campaigns use to monitor voter patterns and conduct outreach. The DNC responded by shutting off the Sanders campaign’s access to the voter database, effectively crippling its ground strategy. Even after Sanders’ campaign manager fired Uretsky, the DNC initially refused to back down from its decision to take away the Sanders campaign’s infrastructure.

The move was unprecedented as a punishment for any campaign. Even Robert Reich, Bill Clinton’s former Secretary of Labor, started a petition calling for Sanders’ file to be reinstated. David Axelrod, former adviser to President Obama, equated the DNC’s punishment to “putting the finger on the scale” for Clinton.
I've been saying that the Democrat Party wants Hillary to win the nomination so bad and they'll do anything to make it happen, including pressuring that idiot Joe Biden not to run. Bernie Sanders doesn't care, he just wants Billary to select him for the VP slot. If anything, Martin O'Malley is the one who should be hiring a lawyer and suing the DNC over this overwhelming bias.

RELATED:  Bernie Sanders Raises $1 Million in One Day as Supporters Mobilize Against DNC Sabotage

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