Saturday, December 12, 2015

Lying 'Rape Activist' Emma Sulkowicz Threatens to Sue Newsweek For Publishing Accused Student’s Side of the Story
When contacted for comment by Newsweek, anti-rape activist Emma Sulkowicz threatened to sue the paper if they published the story of the man she accused of rape.
Newsweek‘s front page story, titled “The Other Side of the College Sexual Assault Crisis,” examines the surge in college students being falsely accused of rape after universities began lowering their evidentiary standards to crack down on rape. The centerpiece of the article is the story of Paul Nungesser, a Columbia University student who accused of rape by Sulkowicz.

Even under the lower “preponderance of evidence” standard, Nungesser was cleared of the charge by a Columbia tribunal. But Sulkowicz engaged in a art project/protest where she dragged a mattress across campus until the university expelled him (they never did). Sulkowicz became a media star, but the Newsweek story was one of few that was sympathetic towards Nungesser’s side of the story.

When asked for comment, Sulkowicz responded by threatening legal action: “Paul Nungesser’s complaint is filled with lies…. I want to warn you to be conscientious about what you publish as ‘fact’ for I may work with a lawyer to rectify any inaccuracies and misrepresentations.”
RELATED:  Fox News reporting: The truth about sex and college

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