Friday, December 4, 2015

Male San Bernardino, CA Shooter Syed Farook Apparently Radicalized
CNN is reporting that Syed Farook, the suspect involved with yesterday’s deadly shooting of 14 people in San Bernardino, CA, held radicalized ideologies of fundamental jihadism.

Vaughn Sterling, the Senior Producer of The Situation Room, took to Twitter to report the following from CNN reporter Evan Perez:

No specific information has been released regarding possible connections between Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik to terror groups abroad. According to CNN, officials have announced that Farook visited Saudi Arabia in 2013, though no specific relationship with those groups have been announced.

Perez spoke with CNN host Chris Cuomo moments ago about the new developments. “We also know they’re looking at overseas communications,” reported Perez. He continued, “Now we don’t know whether that indicates that anybody was ordering what happened yesterday to occur — again, there’s no indication of that yet.”
RELATED:  Syed Farook’s Neighbors Didn’t Report ‘Suspicious Activity’ For Fear of Profiling

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