Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Comedian/Actor David Spade: Barack Obama ‘Should Have a Little More Dignity’ Than to Appear on Reality Shows

David Spade has said in the past that President Obama‘s participation on reality shows is not exactly becoming for the leader of the free world. Yesterday, TMZ caught up with the actor, who expressed that Obama should “have a little more dignity” than doing things like going on an episode of Running Wild with Bear Grylls.

“What president is doing reality shows,” Spade asked. “I realize that Woodrow Wilson went on ‘Dancing with the Stars’ once… It just sounds weird to me, you know, it’s just too much.”

Spade also had some commentary about how “thirsty” the First Family is when Michelle Obama has been on with Ellen Degeneres more than he has.

“He’s on GQ, I’m like, leave that to Bradley Cooper,” Spade added. “You don’t need to go — you’re the president, you’re above all of us, you’re above stars, you’re above everything. When he’s trying to get in the mix like I want to present at the MTV Awards – all right guy, you got it, relax.”
Spade better be careful before the wolves come out and call him a 'RACIST!!!' for daring to criticize Barry.

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