Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Bill Clinton's Conduct Towards Women 'Far Worse' Than Donald Trump's

Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus admitted in a column yesterday that Bill Clinton‘s problem with women is a little bigger than Donald Trump‘s.

Hillary Clinton accused Trump of being a sexist, and Trump fired back by bringing up her husband’s past sex scandals.

Marcus has no problem calling Trump a sexist, a racist, a narcissist, etc., but she wrote yesterday that Trump has a point in calling out Clinton for playing the sexism card.

She isn’t sure that Trump’s “schlonged” remark was anything too outrageous––”mild” at best––and made this strong statement about the difference between him and the former Democratic president:
Well, Bill Clinton has a penchant for something. He had a successful presidency — with an ugly blot. “Sexism” isn’t the precise word for his predatory behavior toward women or his inexcusable relationship with a 22-year-old intern. Yet in the larger scheme of things, Bill Clinton’s conduct toward women is far worse than any of the offensive things that Trump has said.
Trump has smeared women because of their looks. Clinton has preyed on them, and in a workplace setting where he was by far the superior. That is uncomfortable for Clinton supporters but it is unavoidably true.
Marcus concludes that what Trump is doing is fair game because Clinton’s the one who first played the sexism card.
RELATED:  6 moments that could haunt Hillary Clinton

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