Thursday, December 31, 2015

Twice Fired Former Donald Trump Aide; 'He's Doomed'
Look at the polls, and Donald Trump is crushing his Republican opponents. But from the perspective of Sam Nunberg, a political adviser who worked for Trump until earlier this year, The Donald’s campaign is losing—and is just a couple months from total disaster.

“What I’m worried about is, I don’t know what his inner circle is telling him. I hope they’re being honest. I’m more worried, I’m not optimistic,” Nunberg told The Daily Beast. “Under the scenario that I’m laying out, I do not think that he will win… This is what I would say from a ‘glass half-empty’ perspective if I were talking to Mr. Trump.”

To be sure, predictions of Trump’s demise have so far proven wrong—he has defied conventional wisdom, and continues to be the frontrunner in the Republican presidential primary despite controversies that would have eliminated almost any other candidate. But the trajectory of the campaign thus far, Nunberg says, means that it is more likely than not that Trump will lose the first presidential contests in Iowa and New Hampshire, then hobble into South Carolina having lost frontrunner status and ceded momentum to his competitors.

Falling poll numbers in the first key states, a lack so far of reserved advertising, a low net favorability and underperformance in the college-educated voting bloc that dominates the early presidential contests—all these contribute to a darkening forecast for the Trump campaign, Nunberg argued.

Nunberg began consulting for Trump as early as 2011, and became a full-time adviser in Trump’s office in 2014. But Nunberg was fired over the summer due to a series of racist Facebook rants, including one 2009 post in which he called the president a “Socialist Marxist Islamo Fascist Nazi Appeaser.” So he is not exactly an impartial observer, despite his protestations to the contrary.

Apparently Trump doesn’t see eye to eye with his former aide. In characteristic Trump fashion, the businessman struck back against Nunberg’s analysis in a biting, personal way.
“Sam Nunberg was fired. He’s a highly self-destructive individual who makes routine calls begging for his job back. This is the interview of a desperate person who is trying to hang on and stay relevant,” Trump told The Daily Beast.

Nunberg maintains that he’s a staunch supporter of Trump’s candidacy, and took great pains during our interview to stress his personal esteem for the businessman. The purpose of speaking out, he said, was to create an “open memo” in which Trump might be alerted to his campaign’s shortcomings.
RELATED: Donald Trump to media: I hate you. Now check out my private jet.

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