Friday, January 1, 2016

Emails Show Coordination Between Chicago PD, Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s Office Over Laquan McDonald Shooting
Thousands of emails were released yesterday after multiple requests from the press about communications between the Chicago police and Mayor Rahm Emanuel‘s office over the death of Laquan McDonald.

You’ll recall that back in November, the Chicago PD released video of an officer repeatedly shooting McDonald. That officer, Jason Van Dyke, has been indicted on counts of first-degree murder.

Community outrage has centered around Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel. He has pledged police reforms and even fired the chief of police.

But according to the AP, there was email correspondence between Emanuel’s office, the police, and the independent police review board Emanuel set up in which there were concerns about how bad it would be for the city if this became a story.

The head of the Independent Police Review Authority emailed in March about sending witness interview transcripts to the law department so they could use them for settlement negotiations.

And in May, when a spokesman for the review board asked Emanuel about doing interviews (since there was some media interest in the case), an Emanuel spokesman said that they need to “tread lightly” if the focus is on the specifics of the case.

That same spokesman also sent out another email expressing his frustration with how the––again, independent––review board didn’t go along with what he said about one particular media inquiry.

He finally sent out an email, days before the video was finally released in November, asking that everyone speak with “one voice” on the matter.

And then there’s this, from another Emanuel aide, worried about the blowback from the case:
As you might imagine, the timing and details discussed in the Sun-Times article and growing interest in the McDonald incident has not worked in our favor, and is helping to “stir the pot.”
Will the Left go as hard after a politician with a (D) after his name, when it comes to police brutality, as they do the NRA and Republicans? Or is even the "outrage" concerning the deaths of innocent, young black people by police, just used as a another political ploy to keep minorities in this ocuntry voting Democrat?

RELATED:  Rahm Emanuel Announcing Plans for ‘Major Overhaul’ of Chicago PD This Afternoon

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