Sunday, January 3, 2016

Carly Fiorina: Hillary Clinton Calls Everyone 'Sexist'
Carly Fiorina said Monday that Hillary Clinton will play the "woman card" every chance she gets and that Republicans should get used to it.
"Hillary Clinton, first of all, calls everybody a sexist and that's not fair game," Fiorina said on Fox News' "Fox and Friends." "She called Bernie Sanders a sexist because he criticized her. She's going to play that card, we need to be realistic, and of course she's going to talk about the Republican war on women, which doesn't exist."
Donald Trump blasted both Clintons in a Saturday night tweet, knocking Bill Clinton for his infidelity. He fired back after Clinton derided Trump's "penchant for sexism."
The battle started almost a week ago when Trump said Clinton got "schlonged" in the 2008 primary fight with President Barack Obama.
Fiorina surged to some prominence in the Republican field after taking on Trump at the second Republican debate, but has since fallen again to the back of the Republican pack.
She made the case Monday why she should be the first woman to become president.
"Hillary Clinton wants to talk about the historic nature of her candidacy, she wants to talk about being first woman president and there are people out there -- lots of people, men and women -- who think its time for a woman president," Fiorina said. "My message to them will be, 'Look, how about an honest woman, a competent woman? How about a qualified woman?' But I'm never going to ask for people's support because I'm a woman. I'm going to ask for their support because I'm the most qualified candidate to beat Hillary Clinton and to do the job."
RELATED: Carly Fiorina Starts 2016 With the Worst Pandering of Her Political Career (Updated)

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