Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder Says Flint Water Crisis Is His ‘Katrina’
Michigan Governor Rick Snyder admitted yesterday that the water crisis in Flint is a failure on his part and did not dispute the accusation that this is his Hurricane Katrina.

Snyder sat down for an interview with National Journal‘s Ron Fournier yesterday and took full responsibility. Fournier asked him rather bewilderedly how state officials couldn’t have known about tests that showed led in the water last summer.

Snyder said, ” They showed there was lead in the wa­ter but not at a level re­quired to take ac­tion.”

He admits that more action should have been taken, pushed by him, though he did say once the state health department confirmed there were issues with the water, they acted quickly.

Fournier asked, “But you do see this as a black mark on your lead­er­ship and a po­ten­tial op­por­tun­ity to turn things around?”
Snyder provided this response:
It’s clearly a neg­at­ive on what we’ve ac­com­plished since I’ve been gov­ernor. And I don’t even de­scribe it as an op­por­tun­ity I just want to make sure we’re do­ing whatever we can to deal with the dam­age and ad­dress the people of Flint in a con­struct­ive way
He knows he’s lost a lot of the public’s trust, and even told Fournier he may consider releasing all his emails on the Flint water crisis.

Plenty of people in and outside of Flint are calling for his resignation. Snyder said in response, “If you’re in Flint and you’re af­fected by it I can see a wide range of opin­ions on lots of things.”
Snyder should resign. To think, there are reports of people getting killed in Flint, in part, due to his inaction. Then too, the idiot governor refers to this crisis as his 'Katrina', yet unlike a natural disaster, this epic fail could've been prevented. Plus, ask Chris Christie how it feels when you're a Republican mayor who needs Barry to come in and save you.

RELATED:  10 People Have Died of Legionnaire's Disease in Flint, Where the Water is Poisoned

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