Friday, January 8, 2016

Chris Christie Lays Into 'Self-Righteous' Marco Rubio
Gov. Chris Christie (R-New Jersey) isn't letting up in his criticism of presidential rival US Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida).

During a talk with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach at the World Values Network's headquarters in New York City, the governor said that recent attacks on his record from a super PAC allied with Rubio were surprising, since the governor has been nice to his presidential rival.

"Marco has been critical of me and I've been very nice to Marco, so I'm confused," Christie said.

Christie then mocked Rubio's campaign, implying that the senator was being coached into going after Christie.

"He was very self-righteous on the stage in the debate a few months ago when Jeb criticized him. He said, 'Just because we're running for the same office, someone has convinced you that being critical of me helps you.' And now all of a sudden he's being very critical of me, so I guess the same person who was talking to Jeb has been talking to Marco," Christie said.

The governor also repeatedly compared Rubio to US President Barack Obama, saying that like Obama, Rubio's short tenure in the Senate has left him unprepared to take office.
"I don't think he's naive, I just think he's inexperienced," Christie said. "Listen, we've already seen what happens when a first-term United States senator becomes president of the United States."
He continued: We don't need a replay of the last seven years. And a first-term United States senator, that's not the preparation to be commander in chief of the largest military in the world, and executive in chief of the most complex government the world has ever known.
RELATED: Christie’s Rise Is a Triumph of Style over Conservative Principle

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