Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Ben Carson Confronted in Awkward Town Hall Exchange with Homosexual Troll: ‘Do You Think I Chose to be Gay?’
Ben Carson held a town hall in New York last night, but while shaking hands and standing for photos, he found himself in a brief but uncomfortable exchange when one person challenged his views about the LGBT community.

Carson hasn’t exactly come across as encouraging for gay rights, having expressed frustration with their comparisons to civil rights, said that prisons prove people choose to be homosexual, and voiced negative opinions on transgender issues. As he greeted supporters, a woman came up to him and asked, “do you think I chose to be gay?”

When Carson did a double take, the attendee asked again, “yes, do you think I chose to be gay?”

“That’s a long conversation,” Carson said before going back to pose with a supporter. “I think you’re full of sh*t,” his questioner while smiling and walking away, to which Carson’s response was limited to “okay.”
This is yet another example of why Ben Carson is steady losing these days. If you're going to be on the campaign trail as a social conservative then be prepared for moments like this, where smug, programmed idiots like this one will challenge you on your stance and come away as a 'winner' by playing the poor victim card. In other words, the easy response to this troll's question could've went something like this: 'Yes, you chose to be gay. Because homosexuality is nothing more than an immoral act, there's no gay gene and just like drinking or doing drugs, sleeping with members of the same sex is 100% your choice. Love ya, have a good day!' I don't know why so many social conservative pols are so afraid to speak their truth to the world. It's not like one-stance gheys are ever gonna vote Republican anyway and it's not like a smart-ass minion like this guy will ever be more intellectual or accomplished than Carson already is--and Carson wonders why he has zero chance of ever being POTUS?!? It's because for a guy so bright, too often he comes off like an idiot in front of the cameras.

RELATED: Armstrong Williams Finally the King of Ben Carson’s Ever-Diminishing Mountain

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