Monday, January 18, 2016

Bill Maher: If Hollywood’s So Liberal, Why’s There ‘Prejudice Against Nominating Black People’?
After the Oscar nominations were announced this week, a lot of people noticed something missing: any people of color, like Will Smith for Concussion, Michael B. Jordan or director Ryan Coogler for Creed, or pretty much anything for Straight Outta Compton (which only received a Best Original Screenplay nod).

Bill Maher brought up a viewer question on the subject during the Overtime segment of his show last night. John Krasinski said the bigger issue here is the industry at large and who gets the ability to direct and act in big movies.

Maher found it a “strange phenomenon” that “the most liberal place in the world” has an issue with racial diversity in the award nominating process. He joked that “if you have AIDS or you’re a slave, you’re always gonna win the Oscar.”
He asked of Hollywood, “Why, if they’re so liberal, do they have this prejudice against nominating black people? You’d think they would bend over backwards to nominate the black people.”
While I know that some far-Right conservatives (like that idiot Larry Elder) believe that racism in its entirety no longer exists, of course it still does. I mean, of course, there's something definitively wrong when for the 2nd year in a row the Oscars doesn't nominate a single person of color for an award (personally, I thought for sure Benecio del Toro would get a supporting nom for his excellent role in Sicario). But speaking directly to Maher's point, while white, liberal Hollywood continues to pretend to care about the blacks, they're all pretty much phony. As I've always said and believed, white liberals only care about Blacks in America when it comes to getting their morally-bankrupt, Godless agenda passed, i.e. keeping them dependent, blaming all the ills in the Black community on Republicans and/or racism and making sure they continue to vote Democrat. Because whether it's the gays and now the trannies, faux-global warming, abortion or illegal immigration, you can always count on using the civil rights era without anyone getting pissed as well as a good, bamboozled Black liberal to kiss massah's ass and toe the party line. Of course, I could be wrong and we'll see some prominent white, liberal actors get upset about #OscarsSoWhite, but none will because they simply don't care.

RELATED: Jada Pinkett Smith Suggests Boycotting Oscars as Host Chris Rock Calls the Show the ‘White BET Awards’

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