Saturday, January 30, 2016

Canadian Parents Who Beat Daughter for Sending Nude Photos Convicted
Two people in British Columbia have been found guilty of assault with a weapon after severely beating their daughter as a punishment for sending nude photos over the Internet. They claim that she consented to the corporal punishment when given the choice between that and a grounding.

The Toronto Sun reports that the father used a small hockey stick to strike the 14-year-old over her pajama pants two or three times and the mother used a jump rope to do the same. She appeared at school the next day with lacerations and bruises, prompting her friends to tell administrators. The school then brought it to the attention of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

The father testified that he was unaware using corporal punishment was against Canadian law. He had been using “the rod” to punish his child, as advocated by the Christian Bible. This all troubled Judge Edmond de Walle, who concluded that the teen could not have consented to such a forceful punishment.

“The parents took no educative or corrective steps by seeking out expert help or any other assistance to discuss their daughter’s actions with her. Their actions were solely punitive and not corrective,” he said, though he maintained that he was not saying they should not have taken issue with her sending the photos.
OK, normally in these uber-liberal times I'd side with a parents right discipline their kids however they want. But using a 'small hockey stick' and 'jump rope' to beat your kids?!? That's just excessive. I mean, what happened to a good 'ol belt?

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