Monday, January 25, 2016

Lena Dunham, Pedophile Supporter of Hillary Clinton, Calls Any Criticism of Hillary 'Sexist'
Actress Lena Dunham accused the media of being “rabidly sexist” against Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in a Variety interview Sunday.

“The way that Hillary Clinton’s been talked about in the media is so gendered and rabidly sexist in every single portrayal,” the comedienne complained.

Dunham said she literally wanted “to make a list that we hand to media outlets that says, ‘these are the words you can’t use when describing a female candidate.’”

Among the banned words: shrill, inaccessible, difficult, frumpy, and plastic. “If we were allowed to talk about male candidates like that, I’d have a fucking field day,” she said.

The shrill comments are likely to be difficult for the frumpy star of HBO’s Girls, considering that The New York Times recently reported that Dunham herself was loudly criticizing Clinton at a private industry event.
Dunham's not stupid enough to just come out and say it, but this racist, pedophile and sexual assault liar not only thinks Hillary is owed the Presidency, but dammit because she's a white woman, not only should we all bow down, but no one has any right to ever criticize her.

RELATED: FBI probing how classified info got onto Hillary’s secret server

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