Thursday, January 21, 2016

Hillary Clinton's Server Contained Highly Classified Intel
The emails on Hillary Clinton's private server contained classified intelligence from some of the U.S. intelligence community's most secretive programs, according to a new report. 

The Intelligence Community Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III sent a letter to leaders on congressional intelligence committees last week detailing the findings from a review of Clinton's emails, a spokeswoman for the inspector general confirmed to CNN.

Two government agencies flagged emails on Clinton's server as containing classified information, the inspector general said, including some on "special access programs," which are a subset of the highest "Top Secret" level of classification, but are under subject to more stringent control rules than even other Top Secret information."

Clinton brushed off the report on Wednesday, telling NPR that is was a "leak" designed to harm her in the presidential race. 

"As the State Department has confirmed, I never sent or received any material marked classified, and that hasn't changed in all of these months," she said. "This, seems to me, to be, you know, another effort to inject this into the campaign. It's another leak."

She also called the inspector general's letter a "continuation of an inter-agency dispute that has been going on now for some months."
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