Monday, January 4, 2016

Thanks To 1st Gay President Barack Obama Uterus Transplants May Make Male Pregancy Possible In 5 Years
News that doctors in Cleveland, Ohio have begun screening applicants for a clinical trial of uterine transplantation has prompted some to wonder if science will ever find a way to transplant a uterus into a man, and according to a Yahoo article, we may be just five years away from doing just that.

The article published Nov. 18, quoted Dr. Karine Chung, director of the fertility preservation program at the University of Southern California's Keck School of Medicine, as saying, "My guess is five, 10 years away, maybe sooner."

Theoretically, the article said, a man could receive a uterine transplant, "carry a baby to term, and give birth."

Modern medicine has already found a way to suppress male and introduce female hormones in transgender women, causing the breasts to lactate and obtaining "surgically constructed vaginas that include a 'neoclitoris,' which allows sensations."

Biological women have "vasculature needed to feed the uterus with blood, pelvic ligaments designed to support a uterus, a vagina and cervix, and natural hormones that prepare the uterus for implantation and support the pregnancy."

However, according to Chung, "Male and female anatomy is not that different." At some point, someone "will figure out how to make that work," she said.
Because to Godless, social liberals, trannies are the new 'Black'!

RELATED: New York City initiates the most severe ‘transgender rights’ enforcement in America

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